Statistic characteristics of thermal structure in the southern Yellow Sea in summer

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:txy123txy123
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Based on the temperature data along 34°N, 35°N and 36°N sections in August from 1977 to 2003, the structure and formation of the Southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (SYSCWM) and its responses to El Nino events are analyzed. Results show that: (1) There exist double cold cores under the main thermocline along the 35°N and 36°N sections. Also, double warm cores exist above the main thermocline along the 36°N section. (2) Thermocline dome by upwelling separates the upper warm water into two parts, the eastern and western warm waters. Additionally, the circulation structure caused by upwelling along the cold front and northeastward current along the coast in summer is the main reasons of double warm cores along the 36°N section. The intermediate cold water is formed in early spring and moves eastward slowly, which results in the formation of the western one of double cold cores. (3) Position of the thermocline dome and its intensity vary interannually, which is related to El Nino events. However, the Based on the temperature data along 34 ° N, 35 ° N and 36 ° N sections in August from 1977 to 2003, the structure and formation of the Southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (SYSCWM) and its responses to El Nino events are analyzed. Results show that: (1) There exist double cold cores under the main thermocline along the 35 ° N and 36 ° N sections. Also, double warm cores exist above the main thermocline along the 36 ° N section. (2) Thermocline dome by upwelling separates the upper warm water into two parts, the eastern and western warm waters. section. The intermediate cold water is formed in early spring and moves eastward slowly, which results in the formation of the western one of double cold cores. (3) Position of the thermocline dome and its intensity vary interannually, which is related to El Nino ev ents. However, the
摘要:诗词是初中语文教学的重要内容,也是初中語文教学的难点。根据语文教学实际,将语文教学活动置于现实生活背景中,使学生在生活中学习和运用语文知识,是新课改的要求。因此,如何借助生活化教学拓宽语文教学路径,也成为初中语文诗词教学所关注的新课题。本文首先探讨了初中语文诗词教学的意义和必要性,就初中语文生活化教学途径进行了分析。  关键词:初中语文;诗词教学;生活化途径  初中语文诗词由古典诗词、现代诗
开端  9月12日,我省青年诗人陈某某不幸离世,享年28岁。他的诗歌题材广泛,多涉及边缘群众,其写作手法娴熟,善于运用多重隐喻,且意旨深刻……  ——摘自内刊《曙光·编者按》  一  下了车,映入眼帘的是一条山径小道,我问陈爷,从这里去陈家祖坟还有多远。陈爷弓着腰,拄着拐棍,抹了抹胡子说,十五里。  十五里对于年轻人而言,也就一个钟头的路程,陈爷不同,陈爷已经七十多岁了,走山路会很费劲。我扶着他,