要培养小学生的创新精神,教师要必须具备创新意识和创新能力,而唯有成为研究型的教师,才能成为具备创新能力的教育专家。 首先,教师要树立创新观念,敢于向传统的教育方法挑战,用新的内容、新的方法和新的手段在学生心灵深处播撒充满阳光的种子。 教学内容的创新是教育创新的载体。它是在教师吃透教材、教学大纲和学生实际的过程中,对教材内容进行迁移和深化。教学方法的创新是教育创新的关键,教无定法,教学有法,贵在得法。教师只有以科研兴教、教研兴校为已任,积极投身教改实践,通过借鸡生蛋,集众家教法之长,创自身教学特色,教学新法才会生根、发芽、开花、
To cultivate the innovative spirit of primary school students, teachers must have the innovative consciousness and innovative ability, and only become a research-oriented teacher can become an innovative educational expert. First of all, teachers should establish innovative ideas, dare to challenge the traditional methods of education, with new content, new methods and new means to sow the seeds of sunshine in the hearts of students. The innovation of teaching content is the carrier of education innovation. It migrates and deepens the contents of teaching materials in the course of teachers 'teaching material, teaching syllabus and students' actual situation. The innovation of teaching methods is the key to education innovation. Teachers should take root in teaching, researching and rejuvenating their careers and actively participate in the practice of education and reform. By teaching their own characteristics of teaching through collecting raw eggs and collecting books from all disciplines, the new teaching method will take root, germinate and bloom,