通讯员张富强报道:在1989年12月召开的梁士诒史料征集研讨会上,与会者对活跃于清末民初中国政坛上的风云人物梁士诒展开了热烈的讨论,就下列问题发表各自的见解: 一、关于对梁士诒的定性。一种观点认为,梁士诒长期追随袁世凯,权位显赫,有“二总统”之称,为袁世凯的反动统治和改制称帝竭尽犬马之劳。袁世凯倒台后,又在北洋政府担任过显要官职,曾被孙中山斥为“帝制罪魁之一”,“伪国务总
Correspondent Zhang Fuqiang: At the symposium on historical data collection of Liang Shih-t’ao held in December 1989, participants held heated discussions with Liang Shih-t’ao, an influential person in the political arena at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and expressed their opinions on the following issues: First, Qualification of Liang Shizhen. According to one view, Liang Shih-t’ao, who has long followed Yuan Shikai, has a prominent power and has the title of “the second president,” and has done everything he can to satisfy Yuan Shih-k’ai’s reactionary rule and reform. After the fall of Yuan Shikai, he once again held a prominent post in the Beiyang government and was once dismissed as one of the chief officials of the imperialism by Sun Yat-sen.