[目的]为了保障和提高半干旱区春小麦(Triticum aestivum Linn.)粮食生产,增强春小麦对旱情的抵御能力。[方法]研究不同播种期对春小麦生长和耗水规律的影响,通过作物形态指标、产量和水分利用效率等确定半干旱区春小麦适宜播种期。[结果]随着播种期的推迟,春小麦生育期缩短,苗期最为明显;叶面积指数、千粒重和全生育期耗水量等均随着播种期的延迟而减小,早播产量和灌溉水利用系数显著高于其他处理,分别达到6 907.5 kg/hm2和6.2 kg/m3。[结论]建议在辽西半干旱区采用适时早播种植春小麦。
[Objective] In order to protect and improve the grain production of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) In semi-arid area and enhance the resilience of spring wheat to drought. [Method] The effects of different sowing dates on the growth and water consumption of spring wheat were studied. The suitable sowing dates of spring wheat in semi - arid area were determined by crop morphology, yield and water use efficiency. [Result] With the delay of sowing date, the growth period of spring wheat was shortened and the seedling stage was the most obvious. The leaf area index, 1000-grain weight and water consumption during the whole growth period all decreased with the delay of sowing date. The coefficient was significantly higher than the other treatments, reaching 6 907.5 kg / hm2 and 6.2 kg / m3 respectively. [Conclusion] It is suggested that the planting of spring wheat by early sowing in the semiarid area of western Liaoning.