A Study on English Reading Teaching in Secondary Vocational school from View of Discourse Analysis

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  【Abstract】English reading teaching Strategies are very important for students to understand a language and also to train the language reading skills. English teachers of Secondary Vocational school should understand how to train the students’ thinking abilities and improve the students’ reading abilities, which is an important issue to be researched and to be solved. It is hoped that this research can popularize the knowledge of Discourse analysis and to improve the teachers’ views of language teaching in Secondary Vocational school.
  【Key words】discourse analysis; reading abilities; reading teaching strategies
  1. Introduction
  English reading teaching is the key and the difficulty of English teaching in Secondary Vocational school. Nowadays there are various versions of English textbooks in different Secondary Vocational schools in china and each version contains different types of and structures of discourses. Thus, it is very important for English teacher to choose the right and reasonable reading teaching strategies according to different discourses. Influenced by the traditional teaching methods, many English teachers just pay attention to the interpretation and exercises for words and grammar from some reading materials, instead of the attention about the background knowledge, the way of text presentation and interpretation of discourse structure. Based on the actual situation of the English reading teaching in Secondary Vocational school, the researcher attempts to put forward and solve the following research questions from the perspective of discourse analysis.
  2. Literature review
  2.1 Classroom discourse analysis
  American structural linguist, Harris (1952) published an article for the first time to lead several experts to make a research on the theory of discourse analysis. As we all know, the theory of discourse analysis is introduced into the field of the research on language teaching in the nineties. Since the 1980s, our Chinese scholars of linguistics have gained the remarkable research results about the theory of discourse analysis. To sum up the concept, classroom discourse is the language happened in the classroom teaching, including students’ learning language and teachers’ discourse.It is believed that text interpretation is the process of reading the text for readers through the analysis, judgment and mining the meanings to make a creative sublimation for the meanings of text.
  2.2 Input and Output Hypothesis   One of the greatest and most profound theories in the field of study on the second language acquisition is krashen’s theory of the second language acquisition. This theory includes the Acquisition hypothesis, Natural order hypothesis, Monitor hypothesis, The main idea of his Input hypothesis is that the learners’ language of comprehensible input will contain the linguistic project of a bit higher level than the existing language level, if language acquisition can occur. This study will improve both students’ and teachers’ views of language teaching by integrating the two theories of Text interpretation and Discourse analysis into one unit in Secondary Vocational school.
  3. Research questions and instruments
  The researcher attempts to put forward and solve the following two research questions from the study on English reading teaching strategies in Secondary Vocational school from the perspective of discourse analysis. (1) What are the problems influencing the current English reading teaching strategies based on Discourse analysis in Secondary Vocational school?(2)What are the English reading teaching strategies based on Discourse analysis in Secondary Vocational school have a positive effect on developing students’ reading ability?
  In this study, the classroom observation about English reading teaching in Secondary Vocational school is used, which are video-recording, transcribing, analyzing. Classroom observation refers to the collection of data from classroom situation under the clear aim of researcher through sense or other auxiliary means (Observation Scales and camera etc.) (Qing, 2005). It is easy for researchers to operate. As this study surveys the activities in the classroom, it needs video-recording. It observed two reading classes The Fountain Square Book 1 Unit 7 Go Out and Enjoy Life, in October, 2017.And it is based on reading teaching class. Ms. Yu (T1) and Mr. Wang (T2) were asked to give demo classes for us based on different structures for the same lesson. Keeping the research questions in mind, I pour more attention to the interaction between those teachers and the students, and students’ changes of facial expressions and learning motives. Meanwhile, two classes are recorded by a colleague in our school.
  4. Analysis and discussion
  4.1 analyses
  The author attended lessons in Huaiyin Commercial School of Jiangsu in October. In the process of observation, the author recorded the class process and took notes. In this part, the results of classroom observation will be explained from teachers’ and students’ perspective respectively. The textbook, including 8 compulsory books. Each book consists of 10 units, each unit includes six parts, listening and speaking, reading and writing, language in use. Each topic of unit are carefully chosen by the writers to help students master basic knowledge and skills, such as listening and speaking skills, reading and writing skills, analyzing, discussing, evaluating and summarizing.   At the beginning of a new lesson, teachers explained the usage and new words. Because of the preparation of these basic language points, students will feel more confident in their reading. When it comes to the passage, teachers gave some easy jobs in accordance to the practice in the book, such as predicting the content of passage from the title or photographs, skimming to find the main idea of the whole passage and each paragraph, locating the answer of a certain question, these tasks are easy to be find from the text, and aim to get the literal idea of the text. After these steps, teachers often pick up some long and difficult sentences and explain grammar to students. Some teachers even translate the whole text from the beginning to the end.
  It’s obvious to see that the teaching method applied by teachers is still traditional method. Traditional English reading teaching emphasizes the acquirement of language points;teachers often pay more attention to the teaching of grammar and vocabulary, which would mislead students that the most important in reading is to master related words and sentence patterns. Under this circumstance, students often skip the deep and further meaning of the text, which will prevent students from thinking.
  T1 asked 21 questions, and T2 asked 17 questions. The total numbers of questions are different, but they share same characteristics. The number of display questions was much more than the referential questions. Long
【关键词】创设情景;用英语思考;主动学习;提高能力。  作为英语教师我认为英语学习的首要任务是能力的培养,要想使学习效果事半功倍,必须注重学生思维能力的培养,即要学会完全用英语思考(Thinking in English),表达自己或领悟别人的意思。学生在学习英语的过程中主要通过思维去掌握语言的本质,从而增强语感。达到运用英语进行交际的目的。因此,在英语教学中,教师应采用多种有效方法,充分调动学生
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摘要:新课程《标准》倡导任务型的教学模式,具体到写作上就是要让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践和参与等方式,实现写作目标,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。  关键词:高中英语写作教学教学策略    一、学生得分不高的原因  根据英语作文教学的观察,学生作文中出现的问题具有很大的共性,而且同样的问题经常重复出现。归纳起来主要有以下几点:审题不严,格式不符合要求;书写基本功差;缺乏高级词汇,不会使
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