今年2月4日《中国青年报》第三版《仿造仿照》一文的〔辨析〕中说:“仿造”的对象是具体的物品;“仿照”的对象是经验或方法。其实,“仿照”的对象不仅是经验或方法,也常常是具体事物。如:孩子们仿照真飞机的样子制作了一个飞机模型。又如:鱼雷的外型是仿照鱼类设计的。《现代汉语词典》对这两个词的解释分别是: “仿造模仿一定的式样制造。”“仿照按照已有的方法或式样去做。”
In the analysis of the article “Imitating Mocking” in the third edition of the “China Youth Daily” on February 4 this year, the object of “counterfeiting” is a specific item; the object of “imitation” is experience or method. In fact, the “modeled” object is not only an experience or method, but also often a specific thing. For example, children modeled an airplane as if they were real airplanes. Another example: the appearance of a torpedo is modelled on fish. The interpretation of these two words in the “Modern Chinese Dictionary” is: “The imitation mimics a certain style of manufacture.” “Imitation follows the existing method or style.”