Management of Mass Media Censorship in New Era of China

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  China has entered New Era since 2012,and mass media in China embraced a new round of “ecological” development.The film box office in China surpassed that of North America in 2018 for the first time,becoming the world’s No.1.Baidu,Tencent,Alibaba and other mass media internet companies sprung up and entered world-class internet giants.Radios,TV,newspapers and magazines started to integrate with melted media and treaded on the path of scientific outlook.
  The Chinese government encourages more and more Chinese citizens to travel abroad,having no fear that they will know about the world outside,because the Chinese government is increasingly confident about their economic development.Even Mark Zuckerberg,CEO of Facebook,visited China for multiple times,trying to reach out to China,the world’s second largest economy,and enter its market.Meanwhile,the goal of “purifying the environment” was added to the mass media censorship in China.
  China in the new era has become the second biggest economy in the world and it is developing at all fronts,but there are also many contradictions.As President Xi said:“What the Chinese people now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the Chinese people’s ever-growing needs for a better life”(Xi,2017).So,the author believes that to follow the irreversible tide of the time,we should think about on the more opening-up of China’s mass media censorship.
  The theory proposed by Deng Xiaoping kept the legitimacy and the bottom line of the rule of CPC while opened up the freedom enjoyed by China’s market economy.It is with the guidance of this theory,China,a socialist country led by CPC,abandoned the planned economy and adopted the market economy and developed an economic system with Chinese characteristics.It is a unique system in the world.The socialism with Chinese characteristics struck a balance between being a socialist country and applying market economy.It fits China,a country in the first stage of communism,and it goes with the time.
  Now,Chinese mass medias are integrating,for instance,newspaper,as the first media,is closely linked to internet,the third media,and the outdoor media has evolved from the form of print media to a form closely linked to radio media,which belongs to the second media.Meanwhile,radios,TV and films,which belong to the second media,have blended into internet,matching radios,TV and films with new opportunities at a faster pace of publicizing.Video games,which belongs to the third media,has learned experience from the first and second media- to implant ads into the games.
  Since 2012,China has made much progress in developing mass media and easing restrictions on it,the government’s grip on mass media has got rid of the old practice of full control.Today,as the internet media develops rapidly,though slowly,but the progress made from reforms on mass media is notable,it will be better in new era.
  [1]Xi Jinping(2017).“The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China”.Xinhuanet.
摘要:近年来,姜黄素在抗肿瘤增殖和转移中的作用及其机制得到了国内外大量学者的关注。研究发现其可通过抑制血管生成、下调MMPs蛋白表達以及抑制NF-κB、TGF-β1、Wnt-β-catenin等信号通路来抑制肿瘤的增值与转移。但缺少对这方面的系统性的总结。本对姜黄素抗肿瘤增殖和转移的相关机制进行综述,希望为姜黄素在抗肿瘤方面的研究提供新思路。  关键词:姜黄素;姜黄素衍生物;肿瘤;增殖与转移;相关
摘要:本文研究了中华医药典籍《黄帝内经》在英语世界的英译和传播,研究了汉学家文树德、译者道森、倪毛信、威斯等人的译本,探究了译作在英语世界的传播现状。研究发现,译本虽易于阅读但也有不少翻译问题。在译本的传播过程中,威斯译本传播范围比较广泛,影响力较大。  【中图分类号】R-1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2026-5328(2021)05-117-02  序言  《黄帝内经》简称《内经》是我国现
[摘要] 目的 观察口服中药汤剂联合中波紫外线(UVB)照射治疗玫瑰糠疹的疗效。 方法 133例符合玫瑰糠疹诊断标准的患者随机分为三组。联合治疗组46例,给以UVB照射和凉血消风汤口服治疗;单纯中药组44例,给以凉血消风汤治疗;UVB组43例,单用UVB照射治疗。三组均连续治疗2周,治疗结束时进行观察并评价不良反应。 以痊愈和显效例数的百分比计为有效率。 结果 联合治疗组有效率为89.13%,中药
摘 要:利乐实施没有正当理由的搭售、限定交易以及排除、限制竞争的忠诚折扣行为构成了《反垄断法》规定的滥用市场支配地位。本文试图通过对利乐案进行深入分析及对域外经验的借鉴,达到对滥用市场支配地位行为的思考。  关键词:利乐;滥用市场支配地位;域外经验  一、相关市场及市场支配地位  2012年1月,我国国家工商行政管理总局根据相关企业投诉,对利乐涉嫌滥用市场支配地位行为立案调查。通过对利乐进行市场调
摘 要:大学阶段的思想教育是一项十分重要的任务。这一时期的学生各方面思维能力都已经基本成熟,在知识学习上面也更加深入,在这一时期开展思想教育,有助于规范学生的个人行为,为学生今后踏入社会做准备。其中,马克思主义理论作为大学思想教育中的重要内容对学生正确价值观念的建立起着极为关键的作用。教师在进行教学时,应该合理认识马克思主义理论与思想教育之间的关系,通过对马克思主义理论的教学促进学生正确思维观念的
【摘要】 目的:探讨基于微信的延续护理对老年糖尿病患者自我管理及生活质量的影响。 方法:选取123例年糖尿病患者,按照随机数字表法将患者分为对照组61例,干预组62例。干预后三个月,比较两组患者的自我管理能力及生活质量情况。 结果:干预后,两组在自我管理能力总分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但在血糖监测维度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组在生活质量总分及各维度差异均有统计学意义(P<0.
摘 要:新工科背景下,对于人才的培养光有技术是不够的,需要对人才进行人文素质培养,才可以提高人才的综合素质。大学生对于人文方面知识获取途径主要是人文通识课程,现阶段工科院校对于人文通识课的重视度不够,只有加强对于历史、文学、哲学等学科的课程建设,才能实现新工科对于人才培养的建设需要,促进人才全方位发展,为国家培养高文化素养的工科人才。  关键词:新工科背景;大学生;人文素质教育;培养路径  新工科
【摘要】目的:了解微小RNA(miRNA)在乳腺癌发病机制中的作用,为乳腺癌的诊治提供研究目标及理论依据。方法:对近几年国内外有关乳腺癌与miRNA研究进展的相关文献进行综述。结果:miRNA参与乳腺癌细胞增殖凋亡、侵袭转移、化疗耐药及影响预后。结论:miRNA能够作为乳腺癌诊断和预后评估的潜在标志物,并有望成为新型的肿瘤治疗的潜在靶点。  【关键词】微小RNA;乳腺癌;转移;耐药;预后  【中图
摘要:马蹄肾(Horseshoe kidney,HK)是一种常见的先天性肾融合畸形,肾结石为HK最常见并发症。由于显著的解剖变异,马蹄肾结石的治疗难度大。随着手术器械不断改进和创新,马蹄肾结石的治疗方法有了更多、更好的选择。泌尿外科医生可以结合不同手术器械的优势和特点,为HK结石患者选择更为有效、安全的手术方案。本文对HK结石的治疗进展作一综述。  关键词:马蹄肾;肾结石;治疗  【中图分类号】R
摘 要:随着社会不断发展,当今大学生们正处社会转型的大变革时代,流行音乐在当代大学生中迅速传播和被接纳,流行音乐的特点是内容通俗易懂,形式上时尚活泼,有强烈的节奏感,并且感染力强,能够抒发出细腻而真挚的的情感,这种音乐在潜移默化中影响着对大学生的心理健康。  关键词:大学生;心理健康;流行音乐  流行音乐这个词汇源于英语Popular Music的中文译法,流行音乐其实是一种因盈利目的而创作的音乐