日本近代的隧道建设始干明治维新过后的1870年代,是随着铁道、水力发电、矿山开采等发展起来的。战后,日本经济从复兴期进入高速成长期,与大型水电工程,新干线铁道、高速公路等的建设,隧道工程量也急剧增大。其中如北陆(13.9km)、新清水(13.0km)、新丹那(7.9 km)、六甲(16.3 km)、新关门(18.7km),直到世界最长的大清水(22.2km)等均已建成通车,1985年3月举世瞩目的青函隧道(53.85km)也已贯通,目前正在铺轨
The tunnel construction in modern Japan began in the 1870s after the Meiji Restoration and was developed along with the railway, hydropower and mining. After the war, the Japanese economy entered a period of rapid growth from the rejuvenation period. With the construction of large hydropower projects, the Shinkansen railway and expressway, the amount of tunneling projects also increased sharply. Including Hokuriku (13.9km), Shimizu (13.0km), Shindanna (7.9 km), Rokko (16.3 km), Shimonoseki (18.7km) and the longest Great Water (22.2km) in the world When completed and opened to traffic, the Green Hole Tunnel (53.85km), which attracted worldwide attention in March 1985, has also been completed and is now being laid