Drought, infertile soil and serious soil erosion are three problems to be solved in the present dryland agriculture, which have greatly restricted the sustainable development of local agriculture. The best development of the potential of dry land, the scientific utilization of rain and heat resources, the conversion of nutrient resources of biological resources and the comprehensive utilization of ecological environment have always been the focus of the study on world agricultural sustainable development. From the 1930s to the present, all the countries in the world are actively exploring the advanced technologies and effective modes of agricultural production in drylands, improving the ecological environment and improving land productivity, and obtaining the best ecological benefits. In the current crop of farming patterns, conservation tillage can play this role. Since the 21st century, the technology of conservation tillage has been rapidly developed in China. The atmosphere of popularizing and promoting the conservation tillage technology has taken shape and has been developing most rapidly in the world. In recent years Hulun Buir Land Reclamation vigorously promote conservation tillage technology, the introduction of advanced no-tillage seeder, soil subsoiler and straw returning machine, greatly reducing the tillage on the land and increasing the straw cover area.