This article discusses the types of prefaces in nearly one hundred kinds of linguistic difference clauses in the southern Chinese national languages, including Tibeto-Burman, Kam Tai language, Miao-Yao language, Chu-yin language, South Asian language and South Island language. The basic order of the syntactic structure of southern Chinese national language is SOV, SVO and VSO. The types of difference order sentences are St + m + A, A + m + St, A + St, In addition to the South Island language distributed in Taiwan, Tibetan, Burmese, Kam Tai language, Miao-Yao language, Kuiyan language, and South Asian language all have their own linguistic commonalities. Difference sentence with type of order m + St + A. Tibetan, Burmese SOV, Pos, St + m + A are two different genres, namely, the Kamutai, Miao and Yao languages, SVA, Pre, A + m + St in South Asian languages, VS, Pre, A + St and A + m + St belong to two different types, while SVO, Pre, A + m + St of Kamutai, Miao-Yao, VSO, Pre, A + St, A + m + St have a certain commonalities.