The benefits and drawbacks of AI

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  【Abstract】The text mainly concentrates on the different viewpoints from individuals that reveal both benefits and drawbacks of AI and how those factors would have an impact on our future society. It also tells the valid point and the compromised aspect of those most popular perspectives.
  【Key words】benefits and drawbacks; AI
  With the vigorous development of science and technology, Artificial Intelligence is no doubt one of the most attractive achievements, grabbing a wide variety of attention from different fields. When most scientists keep being optimistic about the future applications of Artificial Intelligence, there are also voices that speak against them. Some people who draw their point of view from scientific fictions or movies, argue that the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence may lead to serious social crisis or worse, the extinction of humanity given the condition where the AI takes control and rule their creators instead.
  As juvenile as this kind of statement sounds like, it does stand a point: To what extend exactly can we assure that we would always have control over something that was more intelligent and less restrained by physicality than us? Even the most outstanding expert on this field would give the answer a second thought. Dialectics has told us that one enjoys conspicuous advantages would also suffer from internal drawbacks. However, in the case of Artificial Intelligence, we find it quite hard to pick out those mars. All we can see are the achievements they have made: they have beaten us in memorizing, they have beaten us in calculating, and they have beaten us in chessboard games as well. So no, we are not sure at all.
  The possibility that one day in the not so far-away future the AI would wake up to find themselves competent of defeating their masters in every way is no way a lower one. Therefore, how to prevent those incidents from happening becomes a controversial problem. Some specialists have suggested that, as the era of AI has fell, we should concentrate on improving our own Intelligence instead of limiting that of AI by reducing the chance of committing mistakes to the zero point, while the others insist the birth of AI is fundamentally wrong and against nature, which, could bring their makers punishments along the way, and the most mediate and simply measure would be shutting them down by the favor of norms mended by society.   On the other hand, we must not overlook the upside of the improvement made in the field of AI. The convenience that Al offers is beyond our imagination, or, to be more exact, our former generation’s imagination. Few person who grew up where the electricity was so frequently unavailable that it takes more time than it should to contact friends, and where brooms were necessary for cleaning could face the scene of robots wandering on the bedroom floor to sweep off the dust and AI that could not only talk to you about trivia but also call your friend under your vocal commands.
  The application of AI are so wide that no one would be able to set a prophetic limited for it. When it comes to science, the only limitation is our lack of horizon.
【摘要】课堂提问是教师话语的重要组成部分,是英语教师课堂教学中最常用的手段。本研究以两位英语教师上课提问为研究对象,通过课堂观察,对比分析了两位教师的课堂提问,探究英语课堂有效提问的特点。  【关键词】课堂提问;有效提问  【作者簡介】郭少华,安孝婕,内蒙古科技大学外国语学院大外一部。一、前言  教师话语研究室是我国外语教育领域的重要议题。课堂提问是教师话语的重要组成部分,是英语教师在课堂教学中最
【摘要】 教育戏剧将戏剧的元素与方法应用于教学,其教育性与综合性有利于发展学生各项潜能。本文从教育戏剧的特点出发,探讨在小学英语绘本教学中如何利用戏剧游戏引导学生快速进入学习状态,通过戏剧任务学生习得、体验绘本内容和情节发展,以及利用创意戏剧活动深化学生对绘本的感悟理解,提高运用能力与创造力。  【关键词】 教育戏剧;绘本教学;小学英语  【作者简介】张敏敏,女,汉族,深圳市福田区全海小学,研究生
【摘要】初中英语阅读教学一直存在各种困难,如何采用科学、合理的方法让学生的英语阅读能力得到快速提升是很多初中英语老师研究的热门问题。为此,本文详细探讨了分层法在初中阅读教学中的应用策略,以期为研究分层法教学、英语阅读教学的相关教研工作者提供理论参考。  【关键词】分层法;英语阅读;课外阅讀;以学生为主体  【作者简介】陈芳,江苏省江阴市华士实验中学。一、在全面了解学生的基础上科学划分小组  对学生
【摘要】 商务英语专业是一个大众化的文科专业,很多中高职院校都有开设,中职学校商务英语专业学生的英语水平和综合素质相对弱于高职院校,所以中职学校商务英语专业的人才培养模式需要转型升级,这样学生的专业水平才更具竞争力。本文以福建省泉州华侨职业中专学校商务英语专业人才培养模式为例,试图探析中职商务英语专业人才培养模式优化的方法和途径。  【关键词】商务英语;跨境电商;人才培养模式;优化  【作者简介】
【摘要】本文针对初中英语词汇教学中这一论题,提出了例句选择的三个技巧,即追踪社会热点、围绕校园生活、关注情感态度和价值观。通过教学实例,笔者阐述了这三个技巧在词汇教学中的实际运用。  【关键词】词汇教学;例句;语境  【作者简介】童丹,南京师范大学附属中学仙林学校初中部。  一、研究背景  初中英语教学旨在培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的
【摘要】初中英語阅读复杂难懂,对于老师的教学和学生的学习来说都是一大难题。基于此,教师应创新教学模式,积极探索适合学生发展的教学方法。而应用分层教学模式能够改变目前教学现状,最大程度发挥学生自主学习的能力,帮助学生把握整体知识结构。因此本文对分层教育模式在初中英语阅读教学中的应用进行了阐述,以期对提高学生的阅读和理解能力提供更多参考。  【关键词】分层教学模式;初中英语阅读;教学;应用探讨  【作
【摘要】语言学习是一个人全方位的素质,听说读写四个方面,密不可分,除此之外还有对目标语言的文化、历史、宗教等各个方面的知识都应有所了解和研究,这样保证语言使用背后的内涵。笔者做了勇敢的探索:跨科目布置作业。  【关键词】跨学科;布置作业;语言兴趣;积极作用  【作者简介】蒋三强(1985-),男,汉族,北京人,汕头职业技术学院,英语讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语教学、跨文化交际。一、跨科目布置作
【摘要】为解决中英互译中跨文化语义转化过程中的情景化语料缺失和语言单元的缺位和错位问题,本文结合具体实例,提供了若干处理技巧,并阐明了其中的背景机制和内在逻辑。  【关键词】中英翻译;语义转换;缺位;错位;情景化  【作者简介】于丽(1981-),长春汽车工业高等专科学校,副教授,研究方向:英语教学、职业教育。  引言  翻译是什么?《辞海》定义为用一种语言把另一种语言文字的意义表达出来。这个定义