患者 男 ,5 7岁。查体发现左膈上肿物。体检无重要阳性体征。X线胸片示 :左下肺野近膈肌部见一团块约 4.0cm×3 .5cm ,其边缘清晰 ,无明显分叶 ,正位与心影重叠。行气腹造影证实该肿物与左膈肌关系密切 ,与左膈下脏器无关 (图 1)。螺旋CT横断面扫描见左膈顶一软组织块?
Patient male, 57 years old. Physical examination found the left diaphragm on the tumor. No important positive physical examination signs. X-ray showed: near the left lung field near the diaphragm muscle see a mass of about 4.0cm × 3. .5 Cm, the edge of the clear, no significant lobulation, anteroposterior and cardiac shadow overlap. The line of pneumoperitoneum confirmed the tumor and the left diaphragm closely related to the left subphrenic organs (Figure 1). Spiral CT cross-sectional scan to see the left diaphragm top a soft tissue mass?