杨尚昆同志是我国杰出的无产阶级革命家、军事家 ,中国人民解放军领导人之一。生前曾任中共中央副秘书长、中共中央政治局委员等许多党和国家的重要领导职务 ,他从1948年起担任中共中央办公厅主任一职 ,直至 1965年“文化大革命”前夕 ,积极协助周恩来总理处理中共中央和中央军委日常工作 ,并对建立和健全中央直属机关的组织和工作制度卓有建树。 1988— 1993年任中华人民共和国国家主席 ,他作为以邓小平为核心的第二代中央领导集体的重要成员 ,参与党和国家各项重大决策 ,为新时期社会主义现代化建设和改革开放事业作出了重大贡献。《杨尚昆日记》是他留给党和人民的一份宝贵遗产 ,本期选载的是杨尚昆同志 195 4年的日记。除对个别错漏文字作了订正外 ,均保持日记原貌
Comrade Yang Shangkun is one of the leaders of our outstanding proletarian revolutionaries, militarists and the people’s Liberation Army. Before his death, he served as deputy secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and other important party and state leaders. Since 1948, he has been the chief of the general office of the CPC Central Committee. Until the eve of the “Cultural Revolution” of 1965, he actively assisted Zhou Enlai The premier handles the day-to-day work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission and contributes to the establishment and improvement of the organizational and working system of the organs directly under the Central Government. From 1988 to 1993, he was the chairman of the People’s Republic of China. As an important member of the second generation of the central collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping as the core, he took part in the major decisions of the party and the state and made the plans for the socialist modernization and reform and opening up in the new era Significant contribution. “Yang Shangkun Diary” is a precious legacy he has left for the party and the people. In this issue, it contains a diary of 195 4 years by Comrade Yang Shangkun. In addition to the individual errors and omissions to make a correction, are keeping the original diary