《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》公布以后,各行各业都在领会《决定》基本思想的基础上,认真考虑本系统、本部门的改革问题。城市的蔬菜供应工作,是关系到千家万户的大事,也是多年来议论最多,而且最感到棘手的问题之一。根据《决定》的基本精神,探讨改革城市蔬菜供应问题,有着十分重要的意义。 《决定》指出:“完全由市场调节的生产和交换,主要是部分农副产品、日用小商品和服务修理行业的劳务活动”。作为农副产品之一的蔬菜,也应该改变过去那种“统购包销”的政策,逐步实行市场调节。从去年七月以来,我们对昆明市国营蔬菜的经营情况作了调查,深深感到昆明市的国营蔬菜供应体制已到非改不可的时候了。
After the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on Economic System Reform” was promulgated, all walks of life and industries have carefully considered the reform of the system and its departments on the basis of understanding the basic ideas of the “Decision.” The supply of vegetables in the city is a major issue that affects millions of households. It is also one of the most discussed and most thorny issues for many years. According to the basic spirit of the “Decision”, it is of great significance to discuss the reform of the urban vegetable supply problem. The “Decision” pointed out: “The production and exchange that are entirely regulated by the market are mainly part of the agricultural and sideline products, daily commodity and service repair services.” As one of the agricultural and sideline products, vegetables should also change the past policy of “purchase and underwrite” and gradually implement market adjustment. Since July last year, we have conducted an investigation on the state-owned vegetable business in Kunming, and we deeply feel that the state-owned vegetable supply system in Kunming has reached a point of non-improvement.