如何正确应用硝酸甘油,对许多医生和病人尤其是老年患者,都是一个应该引起重视的问题。我们就以下几个具体问题进行商榷,供大家参阅。 怎样正确使用硝酸甘油片 当心绞痛突然发作时,应立即舌下含服硝酸甘油片(0.5毫克),一般在2分钟内奏效。含服4分钟后,心绞痛症状不能缓解或缓解不明显,应立即再舌下含服一片;若疼痛严重者,可将药片嚼碎后放于舌下,以增加药物的吸收面积。但是,如果连用3次仍然无效者,应速送医院诊治,以防病情有变。病人用药时或含服后不宜直
How to properly use nitroglycerin is a problem that should be paid great attention to many doctors and patients, especially elderly patients. We will discuss the following specific issues for your reference. How to Correct Use of Nitroglycerin When a sudden onset of angina pectoris, immediately sublingual nitroglycerin tablets (0.5 mg), usually within 2 minutes. 4 minutes after buccal embolism, angina pectoris can not be relieved or alleviated insignificantly, and then sublingual immediately; if the pain is severe, chew the tablet and put it under the tongue to increase the absorption area of the medicine. However, if used in conjunction 3 times are still ineffective, should be promptly sent to the hospital for treatment in case of illness changed. Patients should not be treated with or after service