这绝不是哗众取宠——本届温网大赛期间两条意义最为深远的网球新闻,其实都和温布尔顿没什么直接关系——双打要变成“迷你版”,大满贯赛事却要改成“加长版”。也许是ATP也预感到他们的这一决定是颗重磅炸弹,所以他们才选择在温网大赛期间公布这一消息,好让他们颠覆双打传统的“改革”能够被温网的新闻所淹没。但我们仍然大吃一惊:双打比赛每盘将由原先的6局缩减为5局,当选手比分战至局分4:4而不是目前的6:6时就将进行抢七。同时,传统记分规则中的平分(Duece)后实行占先(Advantage) 的方法将被废止,在两位选手打到平分时,将只再打一球确定该局胜负。
This is by no means sensational - the two most far-reaching tennis news during Wimbledon this year are virtually nothing to do with Wimbledon - doubles to become a “mini” and the Grand Slam to “ Extended Edition. ” Perhaps ATP also pre-sensed that their decision was a blockbuster, so they chose to make the announcement during Wimbledon so that they could subvert the doubles tradition of “reform” that could be overwhelmed by Wimbledon’s news. However, we are still quite surprised by the fact that each doubles match will be reduced from 6 innings to 5 in each doubles match, and tie-break will be held when the player scores from 4: 4 against the current score of 6: 6. In the meantime, the method of applying Advantage after Duece in the traditional rules will be abolished. When the two players hit the equalizer, only one more ball will be played to determine the winner.