1937年12月13日,侵华日军在南京进行了一场惨绝人寰的大屠杀。5天以后,大洋彼岸的美国《纽约时报》首先向世界公众披露了这一暴行。报道这一惊人消息的人,是该报驻中国特派记者特尔曼·坦丁(又译名为蒂尔曼·坦丁)。 坦丁当时正在南京,亲眼看到日军对数百名被俘的中国军人进行屠杀。俘虏们每50人被编为一个小队,川绳子缚着双下。日军用机关枪连续扫射。枪打完一队之后再押过来一队。日本军官一边枪杀俘虏一边大声狂笑。在一天之内,坦丁3次目击了集体屠杀惨景。
On December 13, 1937, the Japanese invaders conducted a brutal massacre in Nanjing. Five days later, the New York Times newspaper on the other side of the Atlantic first disclosed the atrocities to the public in the world. The man who reported the astonishing news was Terman Tintin (also translated as Tillman Tandin), the correspondent for China’s correspondent in China. At that time, he was in Nanjing and saw with his own eyes the Japanese massacre of hundreds of captured Chinese soldiers. The prisoners are compiled into a squad for every 50 people, and the swords are bound by double ropes. Japanese machine guns fired in a row. After the gun shot a team and then come over a team. Japanese officers laughed aloud while shooting prisoners. Within a day, Tintin witnessed the massacre of the massacre three times.