信息技术的进步和新媒体的兴起,对新闻的报道速度和传播方式开始带来了变革性的冲击和影响。对此,我们要有清醒的认识。 新媒体对报道速度的冲击 当前信息社会的特点是:报刊、广播、电视等传统媒介的高度普及和以多频道有线电视、卫星广播电视、计算机互联网络、多功能媒体为代表的“新媒体”的不断涌现。 计算机“互联网络”的兴起、个人计算机的日益增多和报纸电子化的出现,正在突破传统的时效概念和现有的新闻传播模式。
The progress of information technology and the rise of new media have brought a transformative impact and impact on the speed and mode of dissemination of news. In this regard, we must have a clear understanding. The impact of new media on the speed of reporting The current characteristics of the information society are: the high popularity of traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television and the “new media” represented by multi-channel cable television, satellite radio and television, computer network and multi-media; The constant emergence. The rise of computer “Internet”, the increasing number of personal computers and the emergence of electronic newspaper are breaking through the traditional concept of limitation and the existing mode of news dissemination.