目前对癫痫的治疗主要是依赖于药物。只要接受正规治疗,3/4的患者可以得到满意的控制。但由于该类药物主要作用于脑部神经系统,又要长期用药,所以有些患者及家属惧怕其对脑部的损害,特别是儿童,家长因担心长期用药影响孩子的智力发育,擅自不遵从医嘱自行减药或停药, 造成治疗失败。所以让患者和家属正确认识了解癫痫药物的不良反应,特别是智力方面的不良反应对帮助患者用药非常重要。
The current treatment of epilepsy is mainly dependent on the drug. As long as the regular treatment, 3/4 of patients can be satisfied with the control. However, since these drugs mainly act on the nervous system of the brain and require long-term medication, some patients and their families are afraid of their damage to the brain. Especially for children, parents do not follow their doctor’s advice because they are worried about the long-term medication affecting their mental development Drug reduction or withdrawal on their own, resulting in treatment failure. Therefore, patients and their families correctly understand the adverse reactions of epilepsy drugs, especially intellectual adverse reactions to help patients medication is very important.