达尔·勃兰特(DiBrandt)是当代加拿大文坛的诗人和文学评论家,1984年因发表诗歌《我问妈妈的问题》(Questions I asked my mother)而崭露头角,获同年加拿大总督文学奖提名。随后发表的《天空里的埃格斯》(Agnes in the sky,1990)、《母亲,不是母亲》(Mother,notmother,1992)、《亲爱的耶路撒冷》(Jerusalem,beloved,1995)等诗集主题多样,涉及女性、宗教、自然等话题,标志着达尔·勃兰特的创作日趋成熟。真正使达尔·勃兰特走红加拿大文坛的
DiBrandt, a contemporary Canadian literary poet and literary critic, came to prominence in 1984 for his poetry “I asked my mother” and was nominated by the Governor of Canada in the same year. Subsequent themes such as Agnes in the Sky (1990), Mother, Notmother (1992), Jerusalem, beloved (1995) , Involving women, religion, nature and other topics, marking the maturity of the writing of Brand Brant. What really makes Darling Brand popular in Canadian literature