熊若愚撰文指出,“三个代表”的思想,其中最核心的一点,就是要用发展的办法解决前进中的问题。 今天的发展已不是以往那种简单数量概念快一点、指标高一点的发展,而是要坚持代表生产力的发展要求,紧密结合我国以及世界生产力的最新发展
Xiong Ruoyu’s article points out that the core point of the “three represents” thinking is to use the method of development to solve the problems in progress. Today’s development is no longer the faster development of the concept of a simple quantity and the higher of the previous ones. Instead, we must adhere to the requirements of representing the development of the productive forces and closely integrate with the latest development of our country and of the world’s productive forces