把认识看成主体对客体的能动反映 ,还只是从现象形态上看待认识 ,没有揭示认识的本质。认识本质上是人的社会生活的表现 ,是关于人自身的认识。在认识本质的问题上 ,我们应当重视马克思的“表现说”。把“反映说”与“表现说”统一起来。
Recognizing cognition as an active reflection of the subject on the subject only regards the cognition from the phenomenological form and does not reveal the essence of cognition. Cognition is essentially the manifestation of human’s social life and is about human’s own cognition. On the issue of understanding the essence, we should attach importance to Marx’s “performance theory.” Unify the “reflection” and “performance”.