未来中国高等教育大众化进程的推进 ,为成人高等教育提供了新的发展空间。面对新的发展机遇 ,成人高等教育需要依据国际高等教育大众化进程的经验、我国全面建设小康社会提出的新要求以及中国高等教育大众化进程的特征 ,在注重地区差异、体现时代特征、注重质的飞跃和组织机构变革等原则基础上 ,科学确定在高等教育规模扩张、结构优化、体系完善以及功能拓展等方面所应担负的功能和角色
The promotion of the popularization of higher education in China in the future will provide new room for development for adult higher education. Faced with new opportunities for development, adult higher education needs to be based on the experience of the popularization of international higher education, the new requirements put forward by China in building an overall well-to-do society and the characteristics of the process of popularization of higher education in China. While focusing on regional differences, reflecting the characteristics of the times and focusing on quality Leap and organizational changes based on the principle of science to determine the scale of higher education expansion, structural optimization, system improvement and function development should be responsible for the functions and roles