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随着我国教育事业的不断发展,随之而生的高等教育入学考试制度也逐步走向完善,成为一个检验教育成果的标准尺度。学生自身能否在这一尺度面前达到标准直接关系到能否获得继续参加教育深造的资格。为此这一制度越来越得到在校学子的重视,其中高考语文考试中的阅读理解也成为了这一形势下的考查重点。 With the continuous development of education in our country, the ensuing entrance examination system for higher education has gradually been perfected and becomes a standard measure of the achievement of education. Students themselves can reach the standard in this standard is directly related to the availability of continuing education qualifications. For this reason, this system is getting more and more attention of students in school. Reading comprehension in the entrance exam of the college entrance examination has also become the focus of examination in this situation.
2001年7月~2002年6月,我院输液室输注磷霉素钠时共出现过敏性皮疹28例,男12例,女16例,年龄3~67岁,磷霉素钠用量2.0~6.0 g.输注磷霉素钠至出现过敏性皮疹的时间:5min内4例,~30 min
<正> 《名利场》是十九世纪英国杰出的现实主义小说家萨克雷的一部名著。杨必翻译的这部小说的中译本,自1957年问世以来,一直为我国翻译界和外语教学界所称道,被人们誉为堪与