海尔“防电墙” 热水器安全营销案

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背景:在商品越来越同质化的今天,找到消费者的需求就是开拓市场的最好契机。经过详细的市场调查,安全是消费者选择热水器时最关注的因素。但是,调查显示:绝大多数的事故原因并非产品本身造成,而是用电环境引发的,中国的电热水器大多沿用欧洲的标准,即在保证地线安全接地的情况下是安全的,包括目前行业中流行的主流技术和漏电保护器,出水断电等都是建立在地线接地可靠的情况下;而中国特殊的用电环境决定中国很多的房屋地线接地存在很多隐患,因此合格的热水器也不等于安全的洗浴。对这一点,许多消费者并不知情。海尔的科研人员根据这种情况,潜心研究了“防电墙”技术,拥有“防电墙”技术的热水器即使存在地线带电,或者水管带电,也能保证消费者的安全洗浴。 Background: In today’s more homogeneous goods, finding the needs of consumers is the best opportunity to open up the market. After a detailed market research, safety is the most concern when consumers choose water heaters. However, the survey shows that the vast majority of accidents are not caused by the products themselves but rather caused by the electricity-consuming environment. Most of China’s electric water heaters follow the European standards that are safe in the case of earth wire grounding, including the current Popular mainstream technology in the industry and leakage protector, water outage, etc. are based on the grounding of a reliable ground situation; and China’s special power environment determines that many of China’s housing grounding there are many hidden dangers, so qualified water heater Does not mean safe bathing. Many consumers are unaware of this. Haier researchers based on this situation, devoted themselves to the study of the “anti-electric wall” technology, with “anti-electric wall” technology, even if the presence of ground water heater, or hose charged, but also to ensure the safety of consumers bathing.
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