今年,我中途接手六年级两个班的英语,这两个班学生思维比较活跃,发言积极。今天上午第二节是六(1)班的英语,教学内容是6B Unit 5 Holidays中的B部分Look,read and learn.学习有关节日的单词,因为这些节日与生活息息相关,学生们都比较熟悉,课前我只准备了一些有关节日的图片、贺卡作为教具,一身轻松,面带笑容地走进了班级。
This year, I took over two classes of English in the sixth grade midway through these two classes. The students in these two classes thought more actively and spoke positively. This morning in the second section is six (1) English, teaching content is 6B Unit 5 Holidays in Part B Look, read and learn. Learning festivals words, because these festivals and life are closely related to the students are more familiar with, Before class, I only prepared some pictures about the holidays, greeting cards as teaching aids, a relaxed, smiling into the class.