目的:了解台州市疾病预防控制系统慢性病预防控制能力,为加强台州市慢性病预防控制能力建设和制定慢性病防控相关政策提供依据。方法:通过网络问卷调查方式对2013年台州市、县两级疾病防治控制中心慢性病预防控制能力现状进行调查。采用IBM SPSS Statistics 20和Excel 2007软件进行统计分析。结果:台州市各级CDC均设有承担慢性病防控工作的部门,慢性病专项经费共计182.3万元,占全市CDC总业务经费的8.83%。台州市疾控系统承担慢性病防控工作在岗专业人员共计31人,占全部在岗人员的5.77%。台州市慢性病监测和干预的覆盖面和深度还不够,培训、指导、评估与科研能力亦较欠缺。结论:台州市疾控系统慢性病防控资源与“十二五”规划目标仍有一定差距,慢性病防控能力有待进一步提高。
Objective: To understand the ability of prevention and control of chronic diseases in the disease prevention and control system in Taizhou, and to provide the basis for strengthening the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Taizhou and formulating policies on prevention and control of chronic diseases. Methods: To investigate the status quo of chronic disease prevention and control abilities in 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Taizhou City through 2013 questionnaire survey. Statistical analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and Excel 2007 software. Results: The CDCs at all levels in Taizhou had departments that were responsible for the prevention and control of chronic diseases. The special funds for chronic diseases totaled RMB1.823 million, accounting for 8.83% of the total CDC funding in the city. Taizhou City CDC to assume responsibility for prevention and control of chronic diseases on-the-job professionals a total of 31 people, accounting for 5.77% of all in-service staff. The coverage and depth of chronic disease surveillance and intervention in Taizhou City is still not enough, and training, instruction, assessment and research capabilities are also lacking. Conclusion: There are still some differences between the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Taizhou CDC and the goals of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, and the prevention and control of chronic diseases needs to be further improved.