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  In my humble opinion, teachers have one of the most important jobs in the world. You educate the leaders of tomorrow. You help them as they navigate and befriend a classroom full of students who are both very different and very similar to them in a variety of ways. You help them make sense of what is sometimes a scary, yet beautiful and loving world. You are likely one of the most important adults in your students‘ lives right now.
  Any parent will tell you that their child is their most precious gift. To me, there is not a job more important than whoever is caring for and teaching my children when it is not me. One year from now, when I am sending my daughter on her first day of kindergarten, I will be putting my faith in her teacher that she will return safely, knowing that her teacher is a grown-up she can trust, who cares about her and who makes her excited to learn and return to school the next day.
  任何家长都会告诉你,他们的孩子是他们最珍贵的礼物。没有一份工作比关心和教导别人的 孩子更重要。一年后,当我送我女儿到幼儿园的第一天,我会信任她的老师,相信女儿能够安全地回来并知道她的老师是个可以信任的大人,一个关心着她、促使她 兴奋地学习、让她第二天也想着去上学的大人。
  So as I prepare to send my first child out into the big world (your classroom) where she will be surrounded by new children and grown-ups, ready to learn and explore this big world, I share with you what I hope for her teachers.
  Develop strong relationships with your students. Really get to know them and show an interest in them, their friends, and their family life. How are they adjusting to school? Are they making friends, or do they fly solo? Learn about their dreams and encourage them. Seek out your students‘ strengths and offer opportunities to use them and feel that joy of doing something they both like and are good at.
  请和学生建立好牢固的关系。能真正了解他们,并对他们、他们的朋友、家庭生活表现得感兴趣。他们如何适应学校?他们是喜欢交朋友,还是喜欢独处?要了解他们的 梦想,并鼓励他们。找到学生的长处,并提供机会让他们展现自己的闪光点,并让他们因能做喜欢的且善于的事而感到高兴。
  Get to know your students‘ parents. Involve them when you can beyond parent-teacher conferences.
  In the news we hear about bullies, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks. Talk with parents about the scary stuff, and give us comfort about the plan your school has in place. Share with us how you prepare your students and how we can help them deal with a sometimes scary world. We, as parents, are taking a big leap of faith putting the well-being of our precious children in the hands of their teachers.   我们能听到有关霸陵、大规模枪击和恐怖袭击 的新闻。和家长谈谈这些可怕的事,并告诉他们学校的计划已经到位,以此来安慰他们。请与我们分享你是如何安排教育你的学生,以及我们如何帮助他们对待这个 时而可怕的世界。作为父母,我们非常信任地把我们宝贵的孩子们的健康幸福托付于在老师。
  Don‘t lose that passion for teaching, love for your students, your creativity, or the energy and dedication to helping them succeed. Those things are what draw your students to you and what gives a parent comfort that their child is having a good experience at school.
  Never underestimate how important you are in the lives of your students. For many, especially the youngest, your role in your students‘ lives may be similar to that of a parent. Whatever your grade level, content area, or specialty, thank you for educating, loving, supporting, encouraging, challenging, and caring for our children, your students, the leaders of tomorrow.
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