【摘要】 目的 对于风湿性心脏病误诊因素进行分析。方法 选取我院2002~2009年共收治住院慢性风湿性心脏病600例中,50例(占8.33%)出院前长期误诊。年龄均在50-70岁之间,男38例,女12例。结果 本文50例误诊资料特点为年龄均在50岁以上, 96%入院前未进行心脏B超检查,38% 入院时为快速房颤或房扑,89%入院前既有心悸,气短病史,病程最长者达10年,最短2月。58%曾因呼吸困难,肺反复感染多处诊治而漏诊。 3例首次因呼吸困难就诊。部分合并高血压病,慢性支气管炎,肺气肿,心脏形态不典型。心脏B超检查大部分二尖瓣口高度狭窄,左房明显增大。结论 风湿性心脏病误诊主要因素为患者年龄较大无风心病史;合并心房纤颤,高血压;慢支肺气肿,严重心衰;;未及时进行心脏B超检查及个别医生检查不仔细等。
【关键词】 风湿性心脏病;误诊因素;分析
【中图分类号】R541 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】1005-0515(2010)007-025-03
Misdiagnosis of rheumatic heart disease factors
Fang Ruixiang Tan Huaqing
Loudi Central Hospital of Hunan Loudi 417 000
Abstract: Objective: The Misdiagnosis of rheumatic heart disease factors were analyzed. Methods: From 2000 to 2009 in our hospital were treated in hospital 600 cases of chronic rheumatic heart disease, 50 cases (8.33%) prior to discharge long-term misdiagnosis. All the patients were 50-70 years old, 38 males and 12 females. Results: This article features information on 50 cases misdiagnosed as the age of 50 years of age, 100% of the time of admission did not hear the apical zone like rumbling diastolic murmur. 96% did not conduct pre-hospital cardiac B-ultrasound, 38% of the admission for the rapid atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, 89% both before admission palpitations, shortness of breath history, the longest course of disease for 10 years and the shortest in February. 58% Zengyin dyspnea, recurrent pulmonary infection treatment and missed many. Three cases of first visits because of respiratory difficulties. Some patients with hypertension, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart shape is not typical. Most of B-ultrasound heart mitral valve stenosis height, left atrium increased significantly. Conclusion: The main factors of rheumatic heart disease misdiagnosed older patients without a history of rheumatic heart disease; atrial fibrillation, hypertension; chronic bronchitis emphysema, severe heart failure; cardiac diastolic murmur heard before the District; not timely B ultrasound heart examination and individual doctors are not careful so.
Key words: Rheumatic heart disease; misdiagnosis factor; Analysis
本文50例误诊资料特点为年龄均在50岁以上,96%入院前未进行心脏B超检查,38% 入院时为快速房颤或房扑,89%入院前既有心悸,气短病史,病程最长者达10年,最短2月。58%曾因呼吸困难,肺反复感染多处诊治而漏诊。 3例首次因呼吸困难就诊。部分合并高血压病,慢性支气管炎,肺气肿,心脏形态不典型。心脏B超检查大部分二尖瓣口高度狭窄,左房明显增大,50例中除两例一般干部外其余均为工人,农民及家务劳动者,具体情况见表1。
风心病后期多出现心房纤颤。 本组50例中18例为快速房颤,1例为快速房扑患者,但因入院时心室率快,心脏杂音听不清,再加上年龄均在50岁以上,部分伴高血压病,慢支肺气肿而误诊冠心病者3例,误诊肺心病者4 例,长期心律失常诊治者12例。因此快速房颤患者入院后首先要全面检查,不应单凭年龄因素或伴随疾病而延误风心病诊断。
除风心病易误诊为冠心病,肺心病等外,我们既往还报道过 6例非风心病在心尖区听到舒张期杂音而误诊为风心病,其中 ASD伴肺动脉高压3例,梅毒性脏病2例,缩窄性心包炎1例,扩张型心肌病1例。因此提出心脏B超检查应做为心脏病常规项目,同某些心脏病鉴别以减少误诊。
本组病例年龄均在50岁以上,一般来说风心病发病时间多在风湿热后2年以上,多见于20-40岁。据我们70年代病例统计,风心病平均死亡年龄40岁左右。 可是近年来随着生活条件改善,风湿活动反复发作减少,治疗技术进步风心病患者的寿命延长。
1.Chen Jue, Wu Yuan, Jilin Chen, Yuan Jinqing, Qiao Shubin, Qinxue Wen, Yao Herbalife. Rheumatic heart disease with non-coronary myocardial infarction and coronary angiographic analysis [J]. Journal of Geriatric Medicine , 2006, (02) :105-108.
2.David Zhang, Xin-Chun Yang, LIU Sheng-hui, Ge Yonggui, Xu Lin, Zhang Juan. Rheumatic heart disease coronary thrombosis in acute myocardial infarction 1 case [J]. Chinese and foreign health care, 2008, (05) :112-116.
3.David Zhang, Xin-Chun Yang, LIU Sheng-hui, Ge Yonggui, Xu Lin, Zhang Juan. Rheumatic heart disease coronary thrombosis in acute myocardial infarction 1 case [J]. Journal of Clinical Cardiology, 2006, (11): 105 - 108.
4.Wen-Xia Zhang. Rheumatic heart disease complicated by coronary artery embolization in 1 case of acute myocardial infarction [J]. Binzhou Medical College, 2005, (05) :137-140.
5.Jun Zhu students, Zhang Kezhi. Rheumatic heart valve disease combined with the clinical features of acute myocardial infarction [J]. Nantong Medical College, 2006, (02) :147-149
【关键词】 风湿性心脏病;误诊因素;分析
【中图分类号】R541 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】1005-0515(2010)007-025-03
Misdiagnosis of rheumatic heart disease factors
Fang Ruixiang Tan Huaqing
Loudi Central Hospital of Hunan Loudi 417 000
Abstract: Objective: The Misdiagnosis of rheumatic heart disease factors were analyzed. Methods: From 2000 to 2009 in our hospital were treated in hospital 600 cases of chronic rheumatic heart disease, 50 cases (8.33%) prior to discharge long-term misdiagnosis. All the patients were 50-70 years old, 38 males and 12 females. Results: This article features information on 50 cases misdiagnosed as the age of 50 years of age, 100% of the time of admission did not hear the apical zone like rumbling diastolic murmur. 96% did not conduct pre-hospital cardiac B-ultrasound, 38% of the admission for the rapid atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, 89% both before admission palpitations, shortness of breath history, the longest course of disease for 10 years and the shortest in February. 58% Zengyin dyspnea, recurrent pulmonary infection treatment and missed many. Three cases of first visits because of respiratory difficulties. Some patients with hypertension, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart shape is not typical. Most of B-ultrasound heart mitral valve stenosis height, left atrium increased significantly. Conclusion: The main factors of rheumatic heart disease misdiagnosed older patients without a history of rheumatic heart disease; atrial fibrillation, hypertension; chronic bronchitis emphysema, severe heart failure; cardiac diastolic murmur heard before the District; not timely B ultrasound heart examination and individual doctors are not careful so.
Key words: Rheumatic heart disease; misdiagnosis factor; Analysis
本文50例误诊资料特点为年龄均在50岁以上,96%入院前未进行心脏B超检查,38% 入院时为快速房颤或房扑,89%入院前既有心悸,气短病史,病程最长者达10年,最短2月。58%曾因呼吸困难,肺反复感染多处诊治而漏诊。 3例首次因呼吸困难就诊。部分合并高血压病,慢性支气管炎,肺气肿,心脏形态不典型。心脏B超检查大部分二尖瓣口高度狭窄,左房明显增大,50例中除两例一般干部外其余均为工人,农民及家务劳动者,具体情况见表1。
风心病后期多出现心房纤颤。 本组50例中18例为快速房颤,1例为快速房扑患者,但因入院时心室率快,心脏杂音听不清,再加上年龄均在50岁以上,部分伴高血压病,慢支肺气肿而误诊冠心病者3例,误诊肺心病者4 例,长期心律失常诊治者12例。因此快速房颤患者入院后首先要全面检查,不应单凭年龄因素或伴随疾病而延误风心病诊断。
除风心病易误诊为冠心病,肺心病等外,我们既往还报道过 6例非风心病在心尖区听到舒张期杂音而误诊为风心病,其中 ASD伴肺动脉高压3例,梅毒性脏病2例,缩窄性心包炎1例,扩张型心肌病1例。因此提出心脏B超检查应做为心脏病常规项目,同某些心脏病鉴别以减少误诊。
本组病例年龄均在50岁以上,一般来说风心病发病时间多在风湿热后2年以上,多见于20-40岁。据我们70年代病例统计,风心病平均死亡年龄40岁左右。 可是近年来随着生活条件改善,风湿活动反复发作减少,治疗技术进步风心病患者的寿命延长。
1.Chen Jue, Wu Yuan, Jilin Chen, Yuan Jinqing, Qiao Shubin, Qinxue Wen, Yao Herbalife. Rheumatic heart disease with non-coronary myocardial infarction and coronary angiographic analysis [J]. Journal of Geriatric Medicine , 2006, (02) :105-108.
2.David Zhang, Xin-Chun Yang, LIU Sheng-hui, Ge Yonggui, Xu Lin, Zhang Juan. Rheumatic heart disease coronary thrombosis in acute myocardial infarction 1 case [J]. Chinese and foreign health care, 2008, (05) :112-116.
3.David Zhang, Xin-Chun Yang, LIU Sheng-hui, Ge Yonggui, Xu Lin, Zhang Juan. Rheumatic heart disease coronary thrombosis in acute myocardial infarction 1 case [J]. Journal of Clinical Cardiology, 2006, (11): 105 - 108.
4.Wen-Xia Zhang. Rheumatic heart disease complicated by coronary artery embolization in 1 case of acute myocardial infarction [J]. Binzhou Medical College, 2005, (05) :137-140.
5.Jun Zhu students, Zhang Kezhi. Rheumatic heart valve disease combined with the clinical features of acute myocardial infarction [J]. Nantong Medical College, 2006, (02) :147-149