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回顾我们党执政五十五年的历史,巩固党的执政地位,反腐、防变、倡廉,坚守党的信念、理想和宗旨,一直是我们党的三代领导人和以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央在理论上大力倡导并在实践中孜孜以求的。深刻学习领会十六大精神,深刻学习领会党的三代领导人关于执政为民、反腐倡廉的论述,深刻学习领会胡锦涛同志在“三个代表”研讨会上的重要讲话和在中央纪律检查委员会第三次全体会议上的讲话,使我们对“立党为公、反腐倡廉”有了更加清醒的认识。我们集中刊发一组有关立党为公、执政为民、反腐倡廉的文稿,意在大力弘扬求真务实精神,大兴求真务实之风,不断推动我省反腐倡廉和“三项治理”工作的深入开展。 Reviewing the history of our party in power 55 years ago, consolidating the party’s ruling position, fighting corruption, defending change and advocating honesty and adhering to the party’s conviction, ideals and purposes, it has always been the responsibility of our party’s three generations of leaders and comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary The CPC Central Committee vigorously advocates in theory and pursues it in practice. Profoundly study and comprehend the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress, profoundly study and understand the exposition of the party’s three generations of leaders on governing for the people, fighting corruption and advocating a clean government, profoundly study and understand Comrade Hu Jintao’s important speech at the “Three Represents” seminar and hold discussions with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, The speech at the third plenary meeting made us have a more sober understanding of “building a party for the sake of the public, fighting corruption and building a clean government”. We have concentrated on publishing a series of contributions on building a party that serves the interests of the public, governing for the people and fighting corruption and building a clean government. We are trying to vigorously carry forward the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, vigorously promote the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, promote the anti-corruption and "three governance Work in depth.
本文主要利用对偶理论和动态规划原理等数学工具,研究了两类风险模型下的优化问题.在Heston模型和CEV(constant elasticity of vari-ance)风险模型下,分别讨论了CRRA (constant relative risk aversion)和CARA (constant absolute risk aversion)偏好下的最优投资、消费和人寿保险问题.本文的主要工作