Watch Your Language!语言的神奇力量

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  They say smiling is infectious, but yawning is evenworse. Some time ago, for a presentation about humanmimicry.I had to find images of people yawning.While googling for pictures, I found myself yawningconstantly. In fact, as I write this article, I find myself yawningagain. That's thee yawns already. Are you feeling the need toyawn, too? We'd better change the subject before we fall asleep!
  Instead, let's imagine an orange. Imagine biting into its soft,sweet flesh. Suddenly my mouth is watering, and there's not anorange in sight. Now I feel like scratching my head, because I'mabout to write the word "itch". Sense your body now: can you feelan itch somewhere? Go on, have a quick scratch before reading on.
  Some words are so laden with meaning that simply reading orhearing them can have a great effect on our feelings and behaviour.Psychologists John Bargh, Mark Chen and Lara Burrows of NewYork University conducted an experiment in which one group ofstudents solved a puzzle using words that have to do with theelderly. They worked with words like "careful", "wise", "old","pensioner" and "retired". The second group of students solveda puzzle with neutral words not associated with anysingle concept. After solving the puzzle, the studentswere free to go.
  Bargh end his colleagues secretly timed how longit took the students to walk down the hall to the door.The students who had been given the words about theelderly took on average more than 10 per cent longerto get there. They had taken on a trot of the elderly: aslower walking speed.
  Cen exposure to words influence the way we feel?Certainly. Here's a list of beautiful words chosen byRobert Beard (also known as Dr Language). Doesn't itfeel good just reading them? Wonderful, love, fentastlc,blossom, peace, sunshine, sweetheart, enthusiasm,butterfly, smile. And if you're looking for a laugh,just read this selection from the list of the funniestEnglish words: bamboozle, fuddy-duddy, hullabaloo.mollycoddle and whippersnapper.
  Lenguages contain meny more negative thanpositive words. There may be good evolutionary.reasons for this. We need to communicate aboutnegative things because this gives us adventages in life.The same seems to be true across different cultures.Studies of 37 lenguages show that basic emotions havesimilar meanings: joy, surprise, fear, anger, sadness—that's four negatives end one positive. If words cenaffect our feelings, we should be very careful aboutour exposure to them. Cen it be that the negativity ofpress reports increases levels of depression in sodety?
  Before you go, consider ways of protecting yourselfagainst negativity. How about using a few synonymsfor that wonderful word "wonderful"? Think ofamazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring.awesome, brillient, cool, enjoyable, excellent,extraordinary, fabulous, fentastic, fine, incredible,magnificent, marvellous, miraculous, outstanding,pleasent, pleasing, remarkable, sensational, startling,sfupendous. super, superb, surprising, terrific,tremendous, and wondrous. Mmm! That's good! I'mfeeling better already. You, too?
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