Fuse virtual with live events to create greater valuee

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  Informa Markets creates platforms for industries and specialist markets to trade, innovate and grow through face-to-face exhibitions, targeted digital services and actionable data solutions. “Our business strategy is all about helping suppliers find high-opportunity buyers –and helping buyers find qualified suppliers.” Charlie McCurdy, CEO of Informa Markets introduces.
  As one of the world’s largest organizers, and with its network in China, Informa Markets reacted quickly in the pandemic. Charlie McCurdy shares that the outbreak of COVID-19 caught the company management’s attention early, in the main thanks to the 1,000 colleagues based in Mainland China. They responded very quickly and kept the headquarter informed as the situation developed. This enabled the company to launch their Postponement Programme, which focused on rescheduling its events to later in the year.
  The show hiatus led the Informa Markets teams in every vertical market and every part of the world to quickly and effectively connect its customers with their communities through digital channels. Since March it has hosted hundreds of virtual events, webinars and online networking opportunities worldwide. Its CPhI & P-MEC China team, for example, started working on a seven-day virtual expo back in February, which combined online matchmaking, virtual buyer meetings, webinars, virtual factory tours, digital showrooms and conferences via webcast. It took place at the end of June, attracting over 2.3 million views from 50 countries and connected over 40,000 buyers with leads through online meetings. “And while I would never have wished for this experience – the pause in delivering exhibitions as usual has helped us to accelerate the large-scale delivery of highvalue digital products and services.” Charlie McCurdy comments.
  The company also took this time to develop Informa AllSecure, an approach to enhanced health and safety standards, which includes commitments in areas such as cleaning, health screening, and the availability of first aid at events. In June, the company was very pleased to open the doors once again at its first post-COVID-19 live event: Chengdu China Beauty Expo, closely followed by China Beauty Expo in Shanghai in July. Both events were run in accordance with Informa AllSecure and were a strong success, surpassing expectations in terms of visitor numbers.
  Considering the future trends, Charlie McCurdy predicts that events are going to look very different in a post-COVID-19 world. Now, Informa Markets is working with its venue partners to put worldclass bio-safety measures in place and all its events will be run in accordance with Informa AllSecure. “Importantly, we’ll be taking what we’ve learnt in developing our digital products and services and fusing them with our live events to create greater value for our customers, all year round,” he says.
作为知名会展集团亚洲子公司,杜塞尔多夫展览(亚洲)有限公司立足新加坡,辐射东南亚市场。公司认为,该区域内多个行业都具有巨大的商业空间,相信展会将会很快强势回归。  杜塞尔多夫展览(亚洲)有限公司是德国杜塞尔多夫展览集团的子公司,于1995年在新加坡成立。杜塞尔多夫展览(亚洲)有限公司董事总经理Gernot Ringling介绍,如今,亚洲子公司在新加坡、泰国、印尼、菲律宾和越南等地共举办17场展览
新加坡滨海湾金沙作为当地知名场馆代表,在疫情下灵敏反应,主动提升硬件设施和团队技能,得到了市场的积极反馈。  新加坡会奖场地之优秀,从滨海湾金沙的先进设施显而易见。如滨海湾金沙销售部副总裁李迈可所述,滨海湾金沙是新加坡地标性旅游胜地,为宾客提供一流的商务、休闲与娱乐体验之余,保持国际卫生与安全标准。滨海湾金沙拥有2500间客房奢华酒店;标志性的楼顶金沙空中花园;区域内极为灵活和先进的会奖场地及会展
在疫情带来的挑战时期,新加坡会议及展览组织方和供应商协会在政府相关机构的指导下,带领全行业重新审视行业发展,并强化各项技能,为疫后会展活动的安全举办做好准备。  谈及新加坡会展行业发展的优势以及挑战,新加坡会议及展览组织方和供应商协会主席、SingEx-Sphere控股有限公司场馆部门执行董事亚兰多表示,新加坡是一个现代化的大都会,也是全球机构进入快速发展的亚洲地区的商业门户。在疫情爆发之前,新加
On 18 January, Messe Frankfurt GmbH announced that due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, Ambiente 2021, originally scheduled to be held physically in Frankfurt am Main from 17 to 20 April 2021, has be
1月26日,国际展览业协会(UFI)发布了《UFI全球展览行业晴雨表》的最新版(第26版),报告回顾了去年的展览行业态势,并对今年的行业发展态势进行了展望。相关研究结果突显了2020年新冠疫情对全球展览业的严重影响,同时也显示了行业在2021年快速复苏的迹象。  调研背景  《UFI全球展览行业晴雨表》调研每半年进行一次。第26版的报告于2020年12月进行调研,并与20个UFI的会展行业协会会员
Following the renewed rise in coronavirus-related new infections on a global scale, Deutsche Messe AG has decided that DOMOTEX 2021 cannot take place as a hybrid event as planned, after initially shif
在全球新冠疫情带来的感染病例再次出现新的增长之后,德国汉诺威展览公司决定将从1月调整至5月的全球领先的地面铺装行业贸易展览会汉诺威国际地面铺装展览会(DOMOTEX )再次进行调整,DOMOTEX 2021将不按照原计划双线举办,而将于5月20日作为纯数字会议举行。不过,将在5月进行的数字展也将涵盖整个国际地面铺装行业。该平台将聚焦数字会议,关注国际地面铺装行业当前最新趋势、探讨具有前瞻性的行业话
UFI各地分会领导层选举结果出炉  6月18日,UFI宣布了各地分会领导人选举结果。其中,上海万耀企龙展览有限公司总裁仲刚再次当选UFI亚太区主席。新一届领导层将在今年11月份UFI年会期间开始履新。在此之前,各地现任领导将继续在任。  本次竞选结果还包括:UFI欧洲分会主席为汉诺威展览公司董事局主席顾桥;拉丁美洲分会主席为塔苏斯集团墨西哥分公司董事总经理José Navarro Meneses;
西澳解除当地会展场馆的人数限制  7月2日,澳大利亚会展行业协会(EEAA)对西澳州政府宣布的最新疫情相关管理措施表示欢迎。从7月18日起,政府将采取针对新冠疫情的新一轮举措,其中包括解除对当地所有会展场馆的人数防控要求。EEAA执行董事Claudia Sagripanti表示,这些新政对于当地会展业重启意义非凡。  “随着西澳逐步解除新冠疫情第4阶段防控措施,会展业恢复的条件正在逐步改善。比如,
科隆展览展会重启不早于今年10月  早在六月,科隆展览公司还对重启展会信心满满。但近日,由于国际疫情依然不明朗,科隆展览公司高层在与监事会密切商议后,决定在2020年10月之前不举办公司自己主办的展会。科隆展览总裁杰拉德?博森表示:“非常不幸,我们没能清除客户内心深处对于面对面展会安全性的担忧。我们也理解他们的感受。”此前,科隆的几个展会中都有行业巨头退展。受到影响的展会包括:科隆户外用品、园艺展