马钱子是中医临床常用药物之一。具有通风活络、活血止痛等功效。有关文献记载其有大毒,不宜生用,需炮制后入丸、散剂,其炮制方法有砂烫法、油炸法、甘草制法、尿泡法、醋制法、醋制砂烫法、尿泡砂烫法等。90年版《中国药典》规定为砂烫法,其目的都是为了降低毒性。但我们认为这些炮制方法费工费时,不适宜大批量生产,因此,我院从1991年起试用炒药机清炒法炮制马钱子,收到良好效果,现介绍如下。1 炮制工具 我们采用CY型卧式炒药机,锅体转速可调。锅体旋转时,使药物反复翻炒,锅体可进行正逆变换。正转炒药,逆转出料,炒药温度可通过调节火力而控制。
Ma Zhongzi is one of the commonly used drugs in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of ventilation, active blood circulation and pain relief. The relevant literature records that it has large poisons and should not be used. It must be processed into pills and powders. The methods of concoction include sanding, frying, licorice, urine, vinegar, vinegar, and urine Sand ironing method and so on. The 90th edition of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” stipulates the sand-calming method. Its purpose is to reduce toxicity. However, we believe that these methods of processing are time-consuming and unfit for mass production. Therefore, our hospital has tried the Chao Chuan method to prepare the money in 1991 and has received good results. The following is a brief introduction. 1 Processing Tools We use CY type horizontal frying machine with adjustable pot speed. When the pan rotates, the drug is repeatedly fryed, and the pan can undergo positive and negative transformation. Turn over the medicine and reverse the discharge. The temperature of the fried medicine can be controlled by adjusting the firepower.