山那边是山,水那边是水,故乡的小城就半隐在这一片苍茫和葱郁之间。 昨天的小城在那段桓古不变的岁月里,安然地躺在群山的怀抱中。山里的人们日出而作、日落而息,头顶着那一小片无法极目也不愿极目的蓝天,脚踏着这一小块不能放眼也不想放眼的绿地,陪伴着那条丝缎般柔顺、碧玉般透亮的母亲河。孩提时代的我就光着脚丫在巷子里奔鲍。在河滩上嬉戏,和父辈们一起接受着雨水和大地的恩赐,日复一日,过着宁静而贫困的生活。
Mountain is the mountain side, water is the water there, the hometown of half hidden in this vast and lush between. Yesterday, the small town was quietly lying in the arms of the mountains during that timeless period. Sunrise in the mountains for the people, the sunset and interest rates, head of that little can not be extremely reluctant to look forward to the blue sky, the small foot can not look at do not want to look at the green, accompanied by that silky as supple, Jasper-like translucent mother river. Childhood I barefoot in the alley Ben Bao. Play on the floodplains, receive the gifts of rain and earth with their fathers, and live quiet and poor lives day after day.