以西洋杜鹃(Rhododendron hybridum)为试材,用不同浓度的植物生长调节剂赤霉素(GA3)、多效唑(PP333)和比久(B9)进行整株喷洒处理,观察其花芽形态变化,测定花芽内玉米素(ZT)、赤霉素(GA3)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)的含量。结果表明:外源GA3对花期有显著的提前作用;PP333和B9对花期有明显的延迟作用,且B9处理后开花整齐。外源GA3处理使内源GA3含量提高,而IAA与ABA含量减少,ZT含量先上升后下降;B9和PP333处理均能使内源GA3、ZT和IAA含量下降,而使ABA含量升高。花芽形态分化期内源激素ZT和GA3含量较高而ABA含量较低时对成花有促进作用。
Rhododendron hybridum was used as test material, and the whole plant was sprayed with different concentrations of GA3, PP333 and B9 to observe its flower bud morphological changes, (ZT), gibberellin (GA3), indoleacetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA). The results showed that exogenous GA3 had a significant early effect on the flowering stage; PP333 and B9 had a significant delayed effect on the flowering stage, and flowering was neat after B9 treatment. Exogenous GA3 increased endogenous GA3 content, while IAA and ABA decreased, while ZT increased first and then decreased. Both B9 and PP333 decreased endogenous GA3, ZT and IAA levels and increased ABA levels. Flower bud differentiation stage endogenous hormones ZT and GA3 content is higher while ABA content is lower to promote flower formation.