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拉美和欧洲的主权债务危机引发高赤字和高债务风险归因于各国推行的高福利政策,而高福利政策背后是其民粹主义的政治根源。国外的经验教训提示我们,解决经济和民生问题的根本途径是建立和完善适应本国经济全面发展的政治经济制度,在我国,就是通过进一步深化改革开放,保持经济持续增长态势,为早日实现富民强国的中国梦夯实基础。 The high deficit and high debt risks associated with the sovereign debt crisis in Latin America and Europe are attributed to the high-welfare policies pursued by nations, and behind the high-welfare policies are its populist political roots. Experience and lessons from other countries remind us that the fundamental way to solve the economic and livelihood problems is to establish and improve the political and economic system that suits our country’s all-round economic development. In our country, it is by deepening the reform and opening up and maintaining the sustained economic growth, The dream of China solid foundation.
Water relation characteristics of the desert legume Alhagisparsifolia were investigatedduring the vegetation period from April to September 1999 in the foreland
Stable carbon isotopes of C3 and C4 plants have completely distinct δ13C values respectively. Carbonate in tooth enamel of herbivorous mammals is significantly
The chlorophyll-a concentration is generally overestimated for the southem China coastal waters if the default algorithm of the SeaDAS is employed. An algorithm
The ionospheric equivalent currents in the high latitudes and the auroral electrojet system during the geomagnetic storm on July 15-16, 2000 are analyzed by usi