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目的了解云南省大姚县2007—2012年恶性肿瘤,特别是胸膜间皮瘤病例的死亡情况,分析其与青石棉暴露之间的关系。为当地政府制定科学合理的青石棉污染防治措施提供依据。方法收集大姚县2007—2012年恶性肿瘤病例死亡情况,计算各年恶性肿瘤死亡率,并计算各类癌症标准化死亡率比(SMR),同时分析胸膜间皮瘤死亡病例在大姚县各乡镇分布情况。结果大姚县肝癌SMR为1.23;胸膜间皮瘤SMR达到5.63;2010—2012年胸膜间皮瘤死亡率高于2007—2009年(P<0.01)。胸膜间皮瘤的死亡人数分布与青石棉污染区分布基本一致。结论大姚县胸膜间皮瘤死亡率较上世纪有所下降,当地应继续加强青石棉的综合治理。 Objective To investigate the deaths of malignant tumors, especially pleural mesothelioma, from 2007 to 2012 in Dayao County, Yunnan Province, and to analyze the relationship between the exposure and the exposure to crocidolite. For the local government to develop scientific and rational crocidolite pollution prevention measures to provide the basis. Methods The mortality of malignant tumor from 2007 to 2012 in Dayao County was collected. The mortality of malignant tumor in each year was calculated, and the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of various types of cancer was calculated. At the same time, the death cases of pleural mesothelioma were analyzed in towns and villages of Dayao County Distribution. Results The SMR of hepatoma in Dayao County was 1.23. The SMR of pleural mesothelioma was 5.63. The mortality rate of pleural mesothelioma in 2010-2012 was higher than that in 2007-2009 (P <0.01). The distribution of pleural mesothelioma deaths and the distribution of crocidolite contaminated areas are basically the same. Conclusion The mortality rate of pleural mesothelioma in Dayao County has dropped compared with the last century, and the local should continue to strengthen the comprehensive management of crocidolite.
摘要:本文阐述了多媒体课件的选题、素材搜集、脚本编写、课件制作的制作程序和方法,对课件制作中存在的问题、危害及采取的措施进行了探讨。  关键词:多媒体课件制作  多媒体课件(Multimedia Courseware),是指利用多媒体技术,针对具体学科的学习内容而开发设计的教学软件,也称作计算机辅助教学系统软件(CAI)(Computer-Assisted Instruction) [1]。课堂应
【摘要】校园文化在潜移默化中发挥着环境育人的功能。通过建设书香校园,逐步形成体现人本管理內涵的制度文化,彰显和谐 教育 之美的校本文化,推动和谐校园文化的构建。校园文化正以可视、可闻、可感的形式浸润着师生心灵,推动着学校向更高、更远的目标迈进。  【关键词】师生关系 和谐班级管理名言 苏霍姆林斯基魏书生善待  做好一名教师应该善待学生的学习困难,善待学生的顶撞冒犯,善待学生的个性表现,善待学生的违
【摘要】提高小学语文朗读教学质量,要以读为主,将朗读训练落实到学前读、学中读、学后读三个环节中。  【关键词】朗读教学素质教育   朗读和默读是小学阅读教学中最经常最重要的训练,各年级都要重视朗读,充分发挥朗读对理解课文内容,发展语言,陶冶情感的作用。我们必须转变观念,从应试教学转变过来,把教学立足点转移到以读为主的教学实践上来。将朗读训练贯穿于阅读教学始终,落实到每个环节,做到学前读,学中读,学