8月5日尼尔森市场研究公司的中国网站发布了一条消息:“Kantar媒介研定集团的AGB公司和尼尔森国际媒介研究公司于目前宣布组建各自拥有50%新的股份公司,新公司命名为AGB尼尔森媒介研究,新公司将在美国以外30个国家和地区提供电视收视率服务。”消息中介绍:尼尔森国际媒介研究公司一直运作着除美国本土以外的30个国家和地区的收视率调查,包括澳大利亚、比利时、中国、匈牙利、香港、印尼、爱尔兰、意大利、韩国、黎巴嫩、菲律宾,新加坡、南非、瑞典、台湾、泰国、土耳其、英国,乌克兰等。此项协议将于2004年第四季度完成,第四季度的业务将由AGB现任管理班子Alberto Colussi博士和Rolando Stalli带领
On August 5 Nielsen Market Research’s China website posted a message: “Kantar Media Research AGG and Nielsen International Media Research currently announce the formation of a 50% new joint-stock company, respectively, with the new company AGB Nielsen Media research, the new company will provide television ratings services in 30 countries outside the United States. ”In the news: Nielsen International Media Research Company has been operating in addition to the United States outside the 30 countries and regions, the ratings survey, including Australia Belgium, China, Hungary, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Lebanon, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine and so on. The agreement, which will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2004, will be led by Dr. Alberto Colussi and Rolando Stalli, AGB’s current management team, for the fourth quarter