Amine ions and amine molecules can in principle be adsorbed on mineral surfaces. The sorption energy of the collector can be determined by the association of the electrostatic components of the electric field that determine the presence of the collector in solution and the charged state of the mineral surface, the hydrocarbon chains of the adsorbed collector associated with the crystal and structure parameters of the mineral and collector The non-electrostatic interaction energy between the polar groups of the collector and the mineral surface (formation of hydrogen bonds by weak chemisorption, formation of two-dimensional metal amine complexes by firm chemisorption and formation of valence-saturated metals by chemical reaction Amine complex). Collectors necessary to form a flotation on the mineral surface The adsorbent layer is a collector of ions and molecules that form hydrogen bonds and two-dimensional metal amine complexes to neutralize the negative charge on the mineral surface and to hydrophobize the mineral surface , In order to ensure the thermodynamic stability required for flotation of mineral and to create the optimum conditions for the physical adsorption of collector by forming the semi-micelles, association and micelle clusters through the dispersion of hydrocarbon groups, Flotation. The density of collectors required for mineral flotation is related to the original degree of hydrophobicity of the mineral, however, as the valency of the metal amine complex is formed on the surface of the mineral, the adsorption density of the collector will increase, resulting in the formation of collectors The best structure for the adsorbed layer becomes difficult. As the collector hydrocarbon chains are branched, the collector concentration required for flotation increases.