在1988年以及五年计划的前三年里,苏联铁路运输形势十分紧张。尽管如此,铁路运输基本上还是完成了规定的旅客和货物运输任务,保持了作为运输主导方式的地位。在国家的各种运输方式中,铁路旅客周转量占46%以上,货物周转量约占67%。在1986~1988年间,为了加速发展工业、建筑业和农业,铁路超计划多运了140Mt 国民经济所需的物资,相当于全路13天的工作量,
In 1988 and the first three years of the five-year plan, the situation in the Soviet Union was very tight. Nevertheless, railway transportation basically fulfilled the prescribed tasks of passenger and cargo transportation and maintained its status as the dominant mode of transport. Among the various modes of transport in the country, railway passenger turnover accounts for more than 46% and cargo turnover accounts for about 67%. From 1986 to 1988, in order to speed up the development of industry, construction and agriculture, the railway super planned to transport more 140Mt of national economy supplies, equivalent to the entire 13-day workload,