Teaching English Learners Decoding ReadingStrategies in Vocational Colleges

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  【Abstract】Reading strategies are used to help students become efficient readers.Decoding is a key skill for learning to read. Many English instructors in vocational colleges are struggling with understanding and explaining English and sometimes resort to telling students that memorization is the only way to hold on to all those confusing words.Learning to read is challenging for many students and it is necessary to teach them the effective reading strategy-decoding.This paper introduces decoding to English instructors in vocational colleges.
  【Key words】Decoding ;Reading Strategies;English learner; Vocational College
  1. Introduction
  Learning to read is challenging for many students in vocational colleges.The English language is complex. Many English instructors in vocational colleges are struggling with understanding and explaining English and sometimes resort to telling students that memorization is the only way to hold on to all those confusing words. Reading strategies should be taught and used to help students become efficient readers.Decoding is a key skill for learning to read. This paper introduces decoding to English instructors in vocational colleges.
  2. Importance of Teaching Decoding Reading Strategies in Vocational Colleges
  Much importance is attached to English reading instruction in Chinese vocational colleges. There still exist some weaknesses in it . The fact is that English instructors overemphasize on the teaching of words and grammar, but not on the understanding the content of the article;nor relevant language background knowledge.What makes it worse is that there is no reading strategies introduction to English learners(林娟,2018:178). Therefore, English learners in vocational colleges must be taught decoding strategies very explicitly and systematically, meaning that we start with the simplest sound/letter concept and build to the more complex.
  A key skill to becoming a good reader is the ability to sound out words you don’t know. According to Reading Horizons Reading Program, decoding is the process of translating print into speech by rapidly matching a letter or combination of letters (grapheme) to their sounds (phonemes) and recognizing the patterns that make syllables and words. There is an area in the brain that deals with language processing and does this process automatically.   3.3 High Frequency Words
  The master of high frequency words affects readers to understand the context. High frequency words include regular words and irregular ones. In contrast, there are no irregular words in Chinese. English instructors should bear the mind that irregular words do not conform to phonics principles and these words should be taught separately. Explicit, systematic instruction of both regular and irregular high-frequency words helps English learners gain confidence as they begin to decode longer and more complex reading passages.
  3.4 Vocabulary Development
  Vocabulary development is a primary determinant of reading comprehension(Beth Antunez). It is possible for students to read completely phonetically and not comprehend what they have read because they do not have the vocabulary. In order to read fluently and comprehend what is written, students need to use not just phonics,but context. Therefore, vocabulary needs to be taught explicitly. For instance, when the career topic is taught in class, English learners should be introduced to the relevant words like profession,interview, interviewee, employer, employee,etc. English learners in vocational colleges may have the vocabulary to hold a conversation about weekend activities, but might not have the vocabulary to comprehend a science or social studies text. English instructors are suggested that they should teach the vocabulary of science or social studies in series, like how a butterfly is born or how to make a pancake.
  3.5 Word Parts
  It has been found that 97 percent of prefixed words in printed school English consist of 20 common prefixes (White, Sowell, and Yanagihara, 1989).When students are decoding unknown multisyllabic words, it is to their advantage to know prefixes and suffixes.Such knowledge will also help in learning the meaning of a word (Chall and Popp, 1996).Word parts, such as syllables, common prefixes and suffixes and their meanings, root words and phonograms such as oi, ar and igh are essential to help English learners read with increased speed and fluidity. In vocational colleges, English instructors are encouraged to carry out teaching activities, such as prefix and suffix simulations, expert modeling, detailed lessons, and supplied lists of the most common prefixes and suffixes.As students are exposed more and more rules about word parts, they will use their knowledge of word parts as a decoding strategy while reading .
  3.6 Context Clues   Using context clues to determine a word’s meaning is an important strategy to further reading comprehension. For example, if a student comes to a word like “career” in a reading passage“ Shu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people bitten by snakes.‘It was seeing people with snakes bites that led me to this career,’ he said...”, this strategy allows them to figure out the meaning of the word “career” referring to “job”by using the context clues evident in the rest of the sentence or paragraph.
  4. Conclusions and suggestions
  Automatic recognition of individual words leads to fluent reading of strings of words, which in turn leads to full comprehension-the goal of reading instruction. English instructors are expected to help learners develop the fundamental insight that letters and sounds work together in systematic ways to form words. This understanding provides the foundation for the development of decoding skills. Chinese English learners in vocational college are often confused with some letters and sounds such as /b/ /d/ or/f/ /v/. Therefor, phonics instruction must be explicit and systematic.
  English instructors are also expected to help students be more skilled learners, who should be able to (1)process words automatically and rapidly (2) look for known word parts in unfamiliar words (3) use context to confirm pronunciation and meaning.
  Once English learners know how to apply their knowledge of decoding reading strategies, more effective reading strategies, like top-down, bottom-up, interactive reading model will be introduced to them.
  [2]Readinghorizons.What is decoding?A critical Foundation for Reading Success[OL].https://www.readinghorizons.com/reading-strategies/decoding/what-is-decoding.
  [3]Roxanne Hudson.2005.Word Work Strategies to Develop Decoding Skills for Beginning Readers[OL].http://www.fcrr.org/staffpresentations/rhudson/word_work_rf_longisland_fcrr.pdf.
【摘要】我国加入世贸组织以来,与各国间的商务贸易往来日益密切,各高校开设的商务英语专业为我国的商务贸易输送了大量专业对口人才,因其专业的特殊性和实用性,跨文化交际的学习便显得尤为重要。本文基于跨文化交际层面,从当代商务英语专业的教学模式、教学体系等方面剖析了当前商务英语专业教育教学过程中存在的问题并进行了对策的探讨。  【关键词】跨文化交际;商务英语;英语教育  【作者简介】任峻臣(1999.1-
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【摘要】词汇是构建语言的材料,是英语学习的基础。词汇测试是英语水平测试的重要组成部分,常见于国内外各种英语水平测试中。词汇测试的目的和实质就是测量学生掌握词汇量之多少以及词汇掌握程度。词汇测试最常用的方式就是单项选择题。对于英语测试中的词汇测试,只有遵循了词汇测试的命题原则,测试结果才会有信度和效度,才能准确反映出学生对于词汇知识的掌握程度。  【关键词】英语词汇测试;单项选择题;命题原则  【作
【摘要】英语作为高中学科较为重要的学科之一,对于学生语言能力的培养有着重要意义,而写作作为英语教学中较为重要的一环,能够锻炼学生的交流能力和表达能力,从而有效提高学生的个人素养,这就要求教师能够合理设计英语写作教学计划,从而有效提高英语写作教学水平。  【關键词】高中英语教学;写作教学;策略  【作者简介】李丽英,福建省莆田第十二中学。  英语作为高中教育中唯一的外语学科,对于学生的语言学习能力是
【摘要】英语本身是一个综合性比较强的科目,不仅仅包括理论知识,也要在实践中下功夫,不然将很难做到学以致用。英语写作作为英语教学的四大模块之一,其教学效果一直是备受关注的,在写作过程中,教师需要帮助学生对各类知识进行整理和融合,这样能够强化学生的思维能力,提高英语写作的能力。  【关键词】思维品质培养;英语写作;教学实践  【作者简介】郑祥燕,重庆市合川教师进修学校。  中等职业学校英语的教学要求:
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【摘要】初中学段是一个特殊的时期,是学生们从少不更事逐渐成熟的阶段,在英语教学活动中激发学生的英语学习兴趣,提高学生的口语交际能力,需要将核心素养概念纳入英语课堂教学中去,丰富课程内容,提高教学效果,让学生在课堂中找到个人提升的方法。  【关键词】初中英语;核心素养;课堂  【作者简介】郑燕,福建省霞浦县第八中学。  提升学生英语核心素养是深化基础教育改革。核心素养主要是指培养什么样的人,有怎样的