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  The Roots of 1)Vampires and Ghosts
  Host A: Halloween’s nearly upon us. It’s time for 2)ghouls and ghosts and going round peoples’ houses and getting sweets.
  Host B: We’re talking about vampires, 3)presumably that stems from a rather different sort of historical narrative. Can you tell us a bit about where vampires come from?
  Deborah Hyde (Vampire Expert): The modern perspective on vampires, it’s thought that it’s two things. It’s a kind of a 4)scapegoating mechanism in the context of people being 5)panicky because there’s been 6)epidemic death. And the second thing is their misunderstanding about the normal processes of 7)decomposition. And it’s very easy for us to be all 8)pompous and say, “Well, of course, this happens and that happens,” but we can observe these things in a safe context. And in historical times you would bury a body very, very quickly for the simple reason that it was a source of 9)contagion, so the fact that, for example, 10)rigor mortis wears off and a body becomes flexible again, or that not all bodies decompose at the same rate, or that the 11)viscera can appear to be fresh even after a while in the grave, would all mislead people into thinking that there was some more life left in the body where it wasn’t.
  The vampire epidemic, as it was called at the time, in fact probably was a result of 12)Slavic 13)folklore originating in kind of like the 9th or 10th centuries. It’s very, very 14)primal folklore, but it suddenly hit the West after the 15)Ottoman Empire receded. So we had a Western government administering people who were previously under a different government, and these 16)lurid stories, that the governments misunderstood, or the doctors on the site misunderstood, were incredibly popular pamphlets and paperbacks, and that’s how the story got out.
  Host A: One of the interesting things I find about this is that the people will genuinely believe that particular things have happened to them, or they’ll believe stories that they’ve heard from sort of “trusted others.” What other explanations have scientists come up with?
  Chris French (Psychologist): I mean, apart from the small minority of hoaxes, the vast majority of claims of ghosts, specifically ghostly encounters, are probably down to sincere misinterpretations of naturally-occurring events. I mean you look at the kind of literature on this, and there’s some very, very 17)obscure explanations for things that most people would never come up with, you know. You might hear some strange noise, and it turns out to be 18)beetles ticking in the woodwork, or, that are rats in the loft, or all kinds of possibilities. And just because people can’t think of an explanation doesn’t mean there isn’t one. But once you’ve got the idea that your house is 19)haunted, then even very 20)mundane ordinary things, like you can’t find your keys;“Hah, the ghosts moved them!” No, you’ve just forgotten where you’ve put them. That’s all it is. And as I say, you also get these kind of 21)anomalous psychological experiences. I mean, we all have that feeling sometimes that “Is someone behind us?”, or, you know, you find that context isn’t really important. If people walk round a building that they are told has...there’d been 22)paranormal activity there, they’ll report more of those experiences, even if it’s just not true. The mere suggestion is enough for people to start noticing changes in temperature, or even imagining those things. So all those kind of factors come in as well.   Host B: Human beings are also 23)prone to finding meaning in thing. We want to find meanings, we want to create narratives, and we can do so even where they’re not there. So, if you ask a child to come up with a story about a polar bear in a white coat, he will come up with a why-based explanation instead of a how-based explanation, and coming up with a howbased explanation needs a lot of training. You’ve got to be educated into that. That it was a natural human way of thinking. So, if something will happen, we’ll pick out the bits that we want, then we’ll create a narrative, and that narrative will be based on the fact that there is something in the environment, whether you can directly 24)perceive it or not, that has 25)intention.

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