橘汁与尿道感染 尿道易感染的人,每天喝300毫升的橘汁。有助于防治尿道感染,其效果比单纯饮水要好。因为橘汁不仅能帮人将细菌排出体外,而且可阻止细菌依附在尿道壁。 红茶与流感 日本科学家用浓度为75%的红茶液对病毒感染物泡5秒钟,该病毒就会失去感染力。为此,研究人员提出:在流感高发季节,人们常饮红茶水或坚持用红茶水漱口,可预防流感。
Orange juice and urinary tract infections Urinary tract susceptible people drink 300 ml of orange juice daily. Help to prevent urinary tract infection, the effect is better than pure water. Because orange juice can not only help people remove bacteria from the body, but also prevent bacteria attached to the urethral wall. Black tea and flu Japanese scientists with a concentration of 75% of the black tea liquid virus infection for 5 seconds, the virus will lose its appeal. To this end, the researchers put forward: In the high season of influenza, people often drink black tea water or keep using gargle with black tea to prevent the flu.