Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Systematic 13-Core Prostate Biopsy to Diagnose Prostate Carcinoma

来源 :中国肿瘤临床(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyfox
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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical value of transrectal ultrasound guided systematic 13-core prostate biopsy.METHODS A total of 213 patients referred for abnormal digital rectal examination and/or with a prostate specific antigen of 4 ng/ml or greater underwent transrectal ultrasound guided systematic 13-core prostate biopsy. This procedure was conducted in addition to the standard sextant biopsies in which cores were taken from the far lateral and middle regions of the gland as described by Eskew. Fathological findings of the additional regions were compared with those of the sextant regions.RESULTS Of the 213 patients 31% had cancer on biopsy (66/213). Of the 66 patients with prostate cancer 14 (21%) had carcinoma only in the additional regions, which would have remained undetected had the sextant biopsy technique been used alone (P<0.05). No severe complications occurred among the patients who underwent transrectal ultrasound guided systematic 13-core prostate biopsy.CONCLUSION Our data demonstrated that transrectal ultrasound guided systematic 13-core prostate biopsy can significantly increase the cancer detection rate. It is safe and efficacious, and should be recommended for use clinically.
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