问:怎样保护农村饮用水源? 答:人每天都要饮水。用水、当水源被病菌污染时,可造成肠道传染病(如痢疾、伤寒、肝炎等)的发生与流行。水源如受到含有化学毒物的工艺废水或农药污染,就会引起中毒,因此,搞好饮用水源的卫生保护,是饮水安全卫生的重要措施。北方农村多为分散式给水,可根据不同的水源采取不同的防护办法: (1)大井(土井):大井要选在地势较高、黄粘土层处打井,井壁上部的周围要用粘土、细砂(2:1)混合夯实,加高井台,并保持一定坡度,修好排水沟。井周围20—30米内不能有厕所、渗水坑、粪堆、垃圾堆及牲畜棚圈,以免污染水源。提倡人畜分井用水,或专门为牲畜修建一个饮水槽。大力推行
Q: How to protect rural drinking water sources? A: People drink water every day. Water, when the water is contaminated by bacteria, can cause intestinal infectious diseases (such as dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis, etc.) the occurrence and prevalence. If the water source is polluted by the process waste water or pesticide containing chemical poison, it will cause poisoning. Therefore, improving the sanitary protection of drinking water sources is an important measure for drinking water safety and hygiene. Most of the northern rural areas are decentralized water supply. Different protection measures can be taken according to different water sources: (1) Large well (well): Large well should be selected at a higher elevation with drilling at the yellow clay layer. Around the top of the wellbore, clay , Fine sand (2: 1) mixed compaction, raising the well, and maintain a certain slope, repair drain. Do not have toilets, seepage pits, dunghills, garbage dumps and livestock sheds within 20-30 meters of the well so as not to pollute the water source. Advocate water for livestock and livestock well or construct a drinking water tank specially for livestock. Vigorously promoted