联合国秘书长夫人娜内·安南: 我和安南都是普通人娜内·拉格尔格伦,1944年出生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩。父亲贡纳尔·拉格尔格伦是一位知名的国际法专家,由于父亲要在世界各地用法律解决国际纠纷,娜内跟着他去过很多地方,如凡尔塞、罗马、摩洛哥的丹吉尔等。在古老的港口城市丹吉尔,小娜内迷上了绘画。大学法律专业毕业后,娜内继承了父业,从事法律工作,成了瑞典的一名助理法官,为瑞典政府各种委员会工作过。 1981年,正在驻日内瓦的联合国高级难民署法律办事处工作的娜内与科菲·安南相遇,她很快就被安南的学识与气
UN Secretary General’s wife Na Neil Annan: Both I and Annan are ordinary people Na Nei Lagergren, was born in 1944 in Stockholm, Sweden. Father Gunnar Lagergren is a well-known expert in international law. Since his father was going to settle the international dispute lawfully all over the world, Nanet followed him to many places such as Versailles, Rome, Tangier, Morocco Wait. In the ancient port city of Tangier, Hana is fascinated by the paintings. After graduating from law school in the university, she inherited her father’s profession and worked in law. She became an assistant judge in Sweden and worked for various committees of the Swedish government. In 1981, Nane, who was working at the UN High UNHCR’s legal office in Geneva, met Kofi Annan and was quickly identified with Annan’s knowledge