2011年,三大设计规范(《混凝土结构设计规范》GB 50010-2010、《建筑抗震设计规范》GB 50011-2010、《高层混凝土结构技术规程》JGJ 3-2010)陆续实施引起了一些重要变化,11G101系列图集在规范的基础上做了修订,替代了原来的6本平法图集,也引起了一系列的锚固、搭接、节点构造的变化。广大建筑行业技术人员都会受到影响,需要重新学习,需要应对新规范新平法带来的变革和影响。
In 2011, some major changes have taken place in the three major design specifications (“Design Code for Concrete Structures” GB 50010-2010, “Code for Design of Seismic Design of Buildings” GB 50011-2010 and “Technical Specification for High-rise Concrete Structures” JGJ 3-2010) 11G101 series of Atlas has been revised on the basis of the norms to replace the original six atlas of law, but also caused a series of anchoring, lap, node structure changes. The majority of the construction industry technicians will be affected, need to re-learn, need to deal with the changes and the impact of the new norms and new law.