The significance of interdisciplinary teaching in modern art design teaching is analyzed

来源 :丝路艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ShakeBabyYTT
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  Abstract: This paper takes interdisciplinary as an example of the significance with the development of decorative art design, and expounds the necessity of Interdisciplinary Design for art design and new discipline. Taking material science as the breakthrough point, this paper expounds the expansion and inclusiveness of the application of comprehensive materials to the development of decorative art design. So as to achieve the significance of cross discipline for art design.
  Key words: interdisciplinary; art design; composite materials; discipline cultivation
  The first chapter analyzes the necessity of interdisciplinary integration and new discipline cultivation
  With the continuous development of social economy, people's requirements for artworks are increasing with the improvement of living standard and aesthetic consciousness. Design is a creative activity to improve people's life and improve their life taste. Good design can make our life more convenient and comfortable, improve the quality of life and improve people's life happiness index. People often hope to see more traditional art forms bursting with new vitality. In order to satisfy people's pursuit of art and their exploration of new areas of art, artists keep exploring unknown areas and creating aesthetic objects.
  In China, the interdisciplinary scope is narrow and the degree of integration is shallow. The art design profession is relatively closed; The employment direction of art graduates is single and their competitiveness is weak. The comprehensive interdisciplinary research is still at the beginning of the fuzzy concept. But it is not hard to find a case, have the vicissitudes, as well as the combination of art and technology, art, technology, media and so on comprehensive knowledge background of talents are often more than simple art students rich design potential.
  In Taiwan, the impact of interdisciplinary teaching on art design teaching is very comprehensive. In terms of curriculum setting, Taiwan's curriculum has a wide range of flexibility. Taking the art photography course of Taiwan datong university as an example, a photography appreciation course usually presents the scene of "three generations of doctoral students, graduate students and undergraduates in the same hall". The same is true of some students from the school of machinery, industrial design and materials. This is a very interesting thing. No matter what your major is, you can join the class as long as you meet the requirements of course selection. As students of different majors come up with different views and opinions, some focus on materials, some on design, and some on marketing. The class is more malleable because of different sounds.   Foreign discussions of interdisciplinary subjects have never ceased. Many academic journals have been published on interdisciplinary research.On the connotation and goes beyond the simple "practicality", according to the law of the art and science combined with each other, the pursuit of the subject quality of the construction of "practical reason", show the comprehensive disciplines multidisciplinary cross fusion innovation properties."
  The second chapter discusses the new appearance of decorative art design from the perspective of comprehensive material application
  The interdisciplinary integration of art design major and adjacent disciplines will widen the employment direction of art design graduates, increase their chances of entrepreneurship, and expand the choice of graduates. By relaxing the flexibility of art design courses, it provides new ideas for art teaching, deepens the teaching purpose, and finally achieves the goal of cultivating more comprehensive and competitive designers.
  The interdisciplinary is a very important opportunity in the field of art design, whether it is the cultivation of innovative ideas or the transformation of education mode. In the future art design will present more art combined with various materials, different environments and different chemical reactions. And the future art education and discipline development, must also be in the direction of talents education. The cross and integration of art design is bound to expand new channels in this goal, so as to cultivate talents of art design.
  [1] research on the innovation diffusion of the cross integration of the art design discipline of leng xianping [J]
  [2] wang mingmin art and design [M]
  [3] a brief discussion on the teaching methods of the interdisciplinary subject of art design and computer technology [J] light industry technology, 2013, 26
  [4] cao ruixin's reform of art design discipline teaching and training of cross-type innovative talents [J] education guide, 2015, 5th issue
  [5] liu guoping's analysis on the cross-integration of design discipline [OL] (issue 17, 2014) [November 17, 2017]
  [6] li yan's independent learning ability of design major under the background of "Internet +" in 2017 [M]
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