目的探讨血清胸苷激酶1(TK1)在子宫颈鳞状细胞癌(宫颈鳞癌)患者的辅助诊断、疗效判断及预后评估中的应用价值。方法应用免疫点印迹化学发光法检测79例宫颈鳞癌患者(治疗前后)(宫颈鳞癌组)、56例宫颈良性病变患者(宫颈良性疾病组)及68例健康体检女性(正常对照组)的血清TK1水平,比较TK1在不同分组中以及宫颈鳞癌治疗前后的表达水平差异,并分析该指标与肿瘤临床特征之间的关系。结果 1正常对照组、宫颈良性疾病组和宫颈鳞癌组间的血清TK1水平中位数分别为0.52 pmol/L、1.22 pmol/L、2.56 pmol/L,阳性率分别为1.47%、30.26%、46.84%,差别均具有统计学意义(χ~2值分别为60.280、38.491,均P<0.05);2高分化鳞癌+中分化鳞癌组与低分化鳞癌组患者间血清TK1水平差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.130,P<0.05);Ⅰ~Ⅱa期与Ⅱb~Ⅳ期2组间的TK1水平差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.709,P<0.05)。3宫颈鳞癌组治疗后较治疗前的血清TK1含量明显降低,差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.873,P<0.01)。结论血清TK1在宫颈鳞癌的辅助诊断中具有一定临床意义,高水平TK1可能提示肿瘤细胞分化程度差或临床分期较晚,并可通过观察治疗前后TK1水平变化评估肿瘤治疗效果。
Objective To investigate the value of serum TK1 in the diagnosis, prognosis and prognosis of cervical squamous cell carcinoma (cervical squamous cell carcinoma). Methods 79 cases of cervical squamous cell carcinoma (before and after treatment) (squamous cell carcinoma of cervix), 56 cases of cervical benign disease (benign cervical disease) and 68 healthy women (normal control group) were detected by immunoblotting chemiluminescence. Serum TK1 levels, TK1 in different groups and cervical squamous cell carcinoma before and after treatment compared the expression level differences, and analysis of the indicators and the clinical features of the relationship between the tumor. Results The median of TK1 levels in normal control group, benign cervical disease group and cervical squamous cell carcinoma group were 0.52 pmol / L, 1.22 pmol / L and 2.56 pmol / L respectively, the positive rates were 1.47%, 30.26% 46.84%, the difference was statistically significant (χ ~ 2 values were 60.280,38.491, both P <0.05); 2 Differentiation between well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of patients with serum TK1 levels were Statistical significance (Z = -2.130, P <0.05). There was significant difference in TK1 between Ⅰ ~ Ⅱa stage and Ⅱb ~ Ⅳ stage (Z = -2.709, P <0.05). The level of TK1 in cervical squamous cell carcinoma group was significantly lower than that before treatment (Z = -2.873, P <0.01). Conclusions Serum TK1 is of clinical significance in the diagnosis of cervical squamous cell carcinoma. High level of TK1 may indicate poor differentiation or clinical stage of tumor cells. The effect of tumor therapy can be evaluated by observing the change of TK1 level before and after treatment.