
来源 :中国安全科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivyJZ2009
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为实现应急救援队伍的合理派遣以快速营救受困人员,根据城市内涝灾害特点、城市内涝灾害情况和救援资源的分布,综合考虑应急救援队伍的救援效率、救援可靠性、救援时间等因素,构建多目标应急救援指派模型。运用模糊数学思想,将各目标下的属性值矩阵转化为模糊关系矩阵。针对优化模型的特点,采用反点法对模型进行求解。为证明反点算法的可行性,采用标准匈牙利算法对模型进行求解并加以验证。算例结果表明,多目标优化方案可以进行良好的任务分配,可满足应急救援任务的需要。 In order to realize the reasonable dispatch of emergency rescue team to quickly rescue the trapped people, according to the characteristics of urban waterlogging disaster, urban waterlogging disasters and the distribution of rescue resources, the emergency rescue team’s rescue efficiency, rescue reliability, rescue time and other factors are comprehensively considered Multiobjective Emergency Rescue Assignment Model. By using fuzzy mathematics, the matrix of attribute values ​​under each objective is transformed into a fuzzy relation matrix. Aiming at the characteristics of the optimization model, the inverse method is used to solve the model. To prove the feasibility of the inverse algorithm, the standard Hungarian algorithm was used to solve the model and verify it. The results of the example show that the multi-objective optimization scheme can perform good task assignment and meet the needs of emergency rescue tasks.
The presented study concerned up-converting core/shell type nanomaterials based on lanthanide(Ⅲ) ions, Ln(Ⅲ), doped orthoborates. The system studied composed
青少年朋友们,你们是否想到过,你们也可以影响自己的父母,使他们成为完美的家长。 Young friends, have you ever thought of it, and you can influence your parents and
On November 13,Jiangxi Copper officially signed transfer agreement on the share rights of lead-zinc mines with Jiangxi Provincial Geol- ogy & Mineral Resources
一、互联网公司的风险 对于任何一个想进入互联网产生的新公司及投资者,首先应考虑的高风险 1、有限的经营历史使估值非常困难 2、可能会长期亏损 3、改变顾客的习惯可能会
摘要:融资难是中小企业共同遇到的问题,特别是在当前金融危机背景下更是突出,文本在阐述河南中小企业融资现状的基础上,针对融资难这个困扰中小企业发展的难题,进行了深入而又系统的分析并从金融、企业、政府三个层面提出了解决问题的对策。  关键词:金融危机 中小企业融资难   目前,中小企业已经成为推动地方经济发展、缓解就业压力、促进财政增收的重要力量,而融资难是大多数中小企业在当前金融危机背景下面临的一个